Three cheers for evil

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Erica and Y/n join the Whitechapel Devils cheer squad. Worried about what Erica may do, Ethan and Benny have to go "Undercover" to stop her. 

Warnings: Swearing. Benny being kinky. Sexual references. Mentions of alcohol and being hungover. 

Word count: 5131


"--------------------" Means time skip. 

"~~~~~~" Means Start/End of the story.

"[  ]" Means a change of the Point of View.


"Boom, did a bomb just go off in my head? No, it's the devil's when we beat you black and red! Call a nurse, call a doctor, call your mama to, 'cause you're gonna need help when we are finished with you! Go devil's!" The two cheerleaders at the sign up booth for cheerleading sung. It was sickening. 

"Erica! Please tell me your not doing what I think your doing!" You grabbed Erica's arm as she walked towards the booth. 

"What? It's just cheerleading. Sarah said she wanted us to be normal, isn't this normal?" She feigned innocence and you groaned, looking back over to the cheerleaders. 

"It's okay, but I think it needs to be more like... this" The head cheerleader spun her pom pom's around then hit a girls books out of her hands, smirking. "Oops" She said sarcastically.

"Cheerleaders are not normal! They're more evil than you, and your a vampire!" You said to her, in disbelief. Was she really going through with something like this?

"N/n (Nickname), you know I've always wanted to be a cheerleader, and now that I'm really hot, I can. Besides... These girls have been telling me to 'Bite them' for years" She winked and showed her fangs. 

"Yeah, I'm 99% sure that's not what they had in mind."

"Oh come on, who's gonna miss just one?" She pouted and walked towards the booth. 

"I will!" You heard Benny exclaim, walking up behind you, and you rolled your eyes. 

"Not now, Benny." You said and turned around facing him and Ethan. 

"Isn't this kind of like letting Magneto join the X-men?" Ethan questioned. 

"Exactly. It's like a fox in the henhouse thing... Listen, if you have any ideas on how I'm supposed to stop her I'm all ears." You said tiredly at the boys, as they just looked at each other. Benny cleared his throat and looked at the booth. 

"You could join too."

Your eyes widened. "No no no no no no" You tried to walk away from them but Benny grabbed your waist, putting you in front of him, facing the booth. He rested his chin on your head. 

"Come on, there has to be another way. Why can't Sarah do it?" You begged. 

"We both know there's no way Sarah would do anything like this." Ethan reasoned and you groaned.

"Why me though!?"

"If I'm being completely honest, I do wonder what you would look like in a short dress" Benny said suggestively from above you. You knew he meant it as a joke, but it still made your whole face hot and inappropriate thoughts come to your head, but you shook them away and swatted at his arms, still firm around your waist. "Pervert!" 

"Goooo devils!" The cheerleaders shouted and you groaned.


"Cowabunga!" Ethan joked as you walked out of the ladies room, in your new uniform. Benny was just looking at you, his eyes running up and down your body, not doing anything to hide it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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