Chapter 1: A turn of events

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Since the dawn of history, humans and monsters had been at odds with each other. Fighting over ideals and resources, each side wanting nothing more but to make the other extinct. Though this led to deep seated hatred among them, what led to being known as the Great War changed the world order. The substantial loss of life caused humans and monsters to rethink their hatred and that this could only lead to the destruction for all of this continued. On a day that would go down in history a treaty was signed, a treaty that called for peace. For both sides to prosper together. This treaty held and was a beacon for most, through the years that followed both sides rebuilt and prospered with the help of the other, new city's were made and technology was expanded throughout the world. This however came to an abrupt end of peace with humans that held onto a deep seated hatred of all monster kinds. These humans believed that by god's will, that humans were the only worthy one's to live on this world, they called themselves the Liberators. This group struck out against monster encampments and family's, slowly taking over seats of power to expand their power, they slaughtered hundreds of monsters without consequence. Though this group was powerful, they made one faint flaw in their 'holy' crusade to wipe monsters off the face of the world. They assaulted a Elvin town on the eve of the peace treaty, burning houses and slaughtering many of the inhabitants. Though what made this one different from any of the other's before it, was a single couple. A couple between a human and a elf. They stood defiant against the attackers and spoke with conviction, they spoke of peace and how through love the two world's could be brought together. On live television they spoke to the world, bringing forth to everyone what this order had been allowed to do unimpeded, and before billions were cut down like cattle by the Liberators. What they thought would be a show of force and terror, turned into what would become their undoing. The unnamed couple would become a symbol for those that opposed their order. Within a matter of weeks, the order that had once had power over nations was reduced to nothing but a few scattered pockets that retreated into the shadows. A new world order was established to protect both humans and monsters as reports of massive mass graves of monster supporting humans and monsters alike were found wishing Liberation hideouts. This force became the Monster Human Police (MHP) a force dedicated to protecting the rights of all races. Though that day was another to go down in history as a tragedy. Something did rise from it, a tournament for everyone to fight and settle grudges once a year, in honor of the couples spirit. Now with this tournament, people around the world went to those they knew to craft weapons and armor to compete in this fighting tournament. This now has led to blacksmith guilds rising to prominence, some became household names like the Black dragon forges. Though we are not here to talk about them yet, this story is about a young man. A young man, who's whole life is about to change.

In a small suburb about ten minutes away from the prospering city of Moltridge, there lies a small shop. If one entered, they could see the walls lined with weapons, swords, ax's, spears, and all assortments including a few firearms in glass cases. At the back of the main area sat a simple wooden counter that on its surface had a multitude of scratches running along it, behind the counter was a single door that led to the forge itself. Though out of that door, walked a man in his twenties, wearing overalls and a white bandana. His forehead covered in sweat which he wiped on his somewhat soot covered cloths. This man was F/N Dryadalis the blacksmith and owner of this shop, and this is where our story begins.

F/N's perspective

I walked out from working on my clients order all day and was able to finish within a reasonable time. I walked cover to my counter and pulled a old rag and cleaner from underneath and began to wipe it down. If's surface was scared and I ran the rag over each one, memories popping into my head for when each one was made. Going through the fond memories I was broken from my suto-trance by the sound of the door's bell ringing. I looked up to see a hulking figure of a Centaur walking into my shop. He trotted over to the counter and looked at me, standing a good four feet above my head. Then again Greg was always a bit imposing.

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