"W-What?" Tsukiko stammered before rushing through her words, "The law of conservation of energy stats that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another,"

"Exactly," Usajii replied. "While those Water Style Jutsus that are propelled from one's mouth use the water inside the body through the conversation of Chakra, those feats that those three accomplished were that they were surrounded by energy that they could convert into water. They used the water in the atmosphere, the water vapours in the air or the moisture in the earth.

"If you are able to manipulate those two sources of water, you will receive the results that you wish to accomplish. The more you practice, the better results you will get. Don't get all disappointed and worried when you don't get things done in the first go – you want to learn. And you wonder why I don't interfere in your battles,"

"Yes, I understand," Tsukiko said, thoughtfully. "So, I have to focus on collecting the moisture from the surroundings, even if there is no stream or source of water... Usa! I'll try that," Tsukiko focused on her hand once more. "I've got to do this, because I want to learn a Jutsu as well, like Chidori and Pervy Sage's,"

Even though she now understood what to concentrate on, it still took Tsukiko quite a while to actually create the ball of water on the palm of her hand. Finally, Tsukiko returned to where Naruto had been training to see what he had accomplished so far with the technique –

"Oh, man! Why doesn't it break!" Naruto screamed, still struggling to make the water balloon burst in his hand. His scream woke up Jiraiya as well.

"Huh?" Jiraiya asked. "Are you done with it?" Tsukiko sighed and leaned against the tree, crossing her arms as she did so.

"Ah... Well... It's almost done or how should I call it," Naruto said hurriedly. Jiraiya yawned loudly and that made Tsukiko yawn herself and realise how tired she really was.

"Oh, boy," Jiraiya said. "It seems like I went beyond an afternoon nap and had a deep sleep," He stood up from his place.

"Hey, hey, how do I break it?" Naruto asked. Jiraiya tried to take another swing of his sake and Tsukiko rolled her eyes when she saw that only a drop had been left behind.

"Didn't I tell you I can't give you a detailed explanation until it's broken?" Jiraiya said. Neither said anything. "Well, all right, I get it. Naturally, you're supposed to realise it through trial and error when mastering a Jutsu, but I guess I'll teach you just a tiny bit on the Jutsu... You, try rotating the water!"

"He's asking you," Tsukiko said to Naruto when he waited for her to do it. Naruto realised it and she sweat-dropped. But he took a water balloon and held it onto his palm, making the water inside it spin.

"Right or left, which direction did you imagine when you rotate it?" Jiraya asked. Tsukiko anticipated Naruto's answer.

"Well... to the left," Naruto answered.

"Hey, come over here," Jiraiya said. Naruto walked over and Jiraiya placed his hand over Naruto's head. "Hmm... I thought so," Naruto looked confused. "You are in fact a right rotation type,"

"Right...?" Naruto asked. Tsukiko sighed.

"In order to build up your Chakra, it is necessary for one to blend the energy," Tsukiko told him. "So, everyone subconsciously builds up Chakra inside the body by rotating it. And whether the rotation at that point is to the right or to the left, differs individual to individual,"

"Correct," Jiraiya said, nodding approvingly. "Therefore, if you imagine the rotation of the water balloon opposite to that of your rotation type in this training, your Chakra flow divides and resists and the momentum of the rotation does not get on track. You should be able to figure that kind of stuff on your own,"

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