Meeting his parents for the first time

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He begged you to meet his parents even though you have kind of already met them. You finally said yes and he invited them over while you were playing minecraft. "(Y/N) come here!" He yelled. "No I'm beating this noob!" You said killing a Steve. "So she is one of you?" His mum asked him. "Um yeah but she comes out....sometimes." He muttered the last part.


You were playing 20 questions with them but they went over the 20 limit 30 questions ago. "So you are dating my son?" His mum asked. "Uh yeah. A couple months ago." You said before she laughed. "I can't even stand him for a week not even a month. Good job for not blowing your brains out." She said.


 Well the mum liked you being she was the only one that showed up. (Sorry it is short. I'm running out of ideas!)


You were playing DayZ when he invited them over. "Die you brainless idiots!" You yelled. "So that's your girlfriend?" His mum asked. "Yeah. She is just playing a game. Well hopefully she is."


You watched as his little sister played with Wedgie, your hedgehog. You didn't get to meet his parents being that lived in a different state but you got to meet his little sister. His sister was fun though.


They loved you. The only reason you let him bring them over was he promised after they left he would take you to get ice cream.


Hova got you to meet them when he got you all to go to a movie. The only bad thing was that the movie was Curse Of Chucky. Halfway through you fell asleep on Hova's shoulder having him to carry you out bridal style. But at the end of the night they both liked you.


You had to meet them through Skype since they lived somewhere else. Come to find out his sister and you had somethings in common and they both liked you.


You went over to his house just to hang out but met his parents instead. They were nice and funny and liked you.

Sorry this was short. Two things though. One, I put the picture in because....well because its amazing! Two, they updated the Your Works thing and I don't know how to use it that much. So just bare with me if somethings get messed up.  That's all I can think of now so bye and keep requesting!

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