A French Furbabey

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It was a dusky night as you lie in your bed wondering what you'll do with your time. You decide that watching YouTube videos at 2am on a school night is a pretty decent use of time.

When scrolling through your recommended, you see a video from the French man named a6d but it wasn't minecraft but rather a video about his cat, Ian.

Ian had his elegant fur as he laid in a sexy pose in his cat tree. His belly was fluffy and it looked so soft. His eyes were of a dreamy green as the lavender light glazed over him.

You're baffled by the qt and you knew that you wanted him to yourself but Ian... Ian was a cat and you're a human, it would never work, or could it?

Well, Ian was a6d's cat and the only way to get closer to him would be to get closer to his owner... and a6d himself wasn't too bad himself.

"Maybe I could have both of them..." you think to yourself as the video of Ian's cute self comes to an end. You sat there in complete silence for a few minutes that felt like hours just thinking of how you could be there, in France, hugging the fluffy boi alongside the handsome French baguette.

"One day, I'll be there. It's not gonna be tonight or tomorrow or maybe not even this year but I'll be there, for Ian." You thought before resting your head down to your pillows and calling it a night as you dreamt about being in the furry grasp of Ian.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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