Start from the beginning

"And I always will be. I can't believe myself that this is happening." I said

She chuckles. 

"I swear I'm gonna throw up." I said

"That's just nerves Nina, everyone gets nervous on their wedding day trust me though it's the best day of your life." Mom said

I smile as she hugs me again.

"Hey." Hollie said

She and Cora walk into the room, with Riley and Maya following behind them. 

"You ready Vale?" Cora asked 

I nod.

"Come on Noah, you're the ring bearer, which means you go down first. So say goodbye to your mom." Mom said

I bend down and hug Noah, kissing his head. He leaves with my mom, Mason, Zachary, Topanga, Maya, and Riley.

"Relax Vale." Hollie said

I smile. 

"So where is he taking you on your honeymoon?" Cora asked

"Hawaii for two weeks. Speaking of are you sure you can take care of Noah, Zach, and Mason for two weeks? You are pregnant." I said 

Cora was now five months pregnant and having a baby boy with Connor, who got married when they were twenty-two but wanted to wait a year before having a baby. Hollie and Brett got married at twenty and now have a four-year-old daughter, named Julianna.

"They will be fine, and it will be like practice for when I have my baby." Cora said

I chuckle.

Knock Knock!

"Come in Jedidiah." Hollie said

Dad walks through the door and his eyes land on me. 

"We'll give you two a moment." Cora said 

She and Hollie leave.

"Wow you look beautiful."Dad said

He walks over to me. 

"I can't believe you're getting married." Dad said

"Me either." I said

"Josh better know how lucky he is." Dad said 

I roll my eyes.

"I'm still processing the fact that I have to let you go when we get to the isle." Dad said 

I chuckle before the music starts to play. 

"Shall we?" Dad asked 

He holds out his arm and I link mine through his, grabbing my flowers. 


We make our way out of the room and to where the wedding is being held. My bridesmaids: Hollie, Cora, Riley, and Maya make their way down, then my Matron of Honor: Topanga walks down, finally Dad and I start walking down the isle. Everyone looks at us and Josh's eyes land on me as I give him a small smile. Arriving at Josh, Dad and I hug before he goes and sits down. I stand opposite Josh holding his hands.

"You look beautiful." Josh said

I smile as Mr. Feeny starts to marry us. I swear this guy does everything.

"Do you Joshua Gabriel Matthews take Valentina Elizabeth Lawrence to be your lawfully wedded wife until the day you die?" Mr. Feeny asked

"I do." Josh said

"Do you Valentina Elizabeth Lawrence take Joshua Gabriel Matthews to be your lawfully wedded husband until the day you die?" Mr. Feeny asked

"I do." I said

I smile.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." Mr. Feeny said 

Josh and I kiss as everyone cheers. 


After the wedding, we all head to the wedding reception. Josh and I are sitting together at the bride and groom's table, while Noah is dancing with Morgan, Zachary is jumping with Eric, and Mason is being cooed at by Cory and Topanga.

"God he's grown up so quick." I said, referring to Noah

Our hands are interlaced, resting on my leg.

"Yeah it's crazy how quick five years have gone. They've been the best five years of my life." Josh said

Josh kisses our hands, making me smile. 

"And I'm the luckiest guy in the world." Josh said 

He places a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"God you're so beautiful." Josh said 

He leans in to kiss me.

"Ew gross!" A voice said

We pull away seeing Zachary, Josh picks him up and places him on his lap.

"You excited to stay with Auntie Hollie for a few weeks?" Josh asked

He nods.

"Why can't I come with?" Zachary asked

"Because it's our honeymoon, it's how you celebrate after getting married." I said

"There will be a lot of celebrating." Josh said

Josh smirks and I slap his arm.

"It's true." Josh said

I roll my eyes. 

"You'll understand when you're older." Josh said

I nod in agreement.

"My turn to dance with him." Riley said

She walks over, Zachary takes her hand and they go to dance. Josh wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side and kissing me.

"A lot of celebrating huh?" I whispered

Our faces remain close. 

"What makes you think you're so lucky?" I asked

"You can't resist me." Josh said

Josh smirks and I chuckle. 

"And plus Noah, Zach, and Mason are so perfect, I figured it's time for more kids." Josh said

"Funny you should say that. We're pregnant again." I said

He smiles before kissing me deeply. 

"I'm taking that you're happy." I said

I laugh pulling back.

"Over the moon. God I love you." Josh said

"I love you too." I said

I kiss him once more.

[✔️] 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃𝐋𝐘, 𝗃𝗈𝗌𝗁𝗎𝖺 𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗐𝗌Where stories live. Discover now