Chapter Two

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Previously on EMD:

"Why am I here?" I growled at him. He looked at me in surprise, but I continued talking. "Who are all those people that you were just talking about? Where am I? And most importantly, I have never met you in my life, so how come you act as if you know me?"

"Cinder what happened to you?" Emperor Kai asks quietly.

Chapter Two- [Kai's POV]

This is all her fault. All Levana's fault. But I can't do anything now. The love of my life has lost all of her memories. Now how in the world does that happen?

"Dr. Nandez may we please talk about this outside?" I asked her, never even looking over at her, my eyes still locked with Cinder's. Of course she's the one to break the gaze. Cinder's eyes dart between me and Dr. Nandez in confusion.

"Of course Emperor Kaito. Miss Linh will you be alright without us for a few minutes?" Dr. Nandez asks Cinder. If my Cinder were here she would've said something about how no is the same thing as yes. But this wasn't my Cinder.

"No I will probably lose another foot and set something on fire because I'm stumbling around like a dog on one leg. So no I will not be alright." She concludes sarcastically. I had forgotten that Cinder was more sarcastic when I met her than now.

"Cinder we will be out in the hallway. If you need anything call right away. You shouldn't get up from the bed by the way." I said, walking out the door with Dr. Nandez behind me.

As soon as the door closes I turn to her. She looks shocked to see my face filled with fear and anger.

"What happened to her?" I demand. She stammers a couple times as she thinks of an answer. She looks down at the floor as she gulps and looks in my eyes which are filled with fury.

"In her fight with Levana, Miss Linh used her gift with such force that her cyborg mind couldn't take the amount of power used. So her brain did the only thing that it could do at that moment. I am guessing that her memory drive erased every single thing that has happened in the past year. I saw the confusion in her eyes as she looked at you. When did you and Miss Linh meet Your Majesty?" She asks.

"The day before the market..." I murmured remembering the day that we met. "That's the day that me and Cinder met... Are you saying that she's lost her memories?" I ask Dr. Nandez. She nods grimly.

No! This isn't how everything was supposed to go after the war! Me and Cinder were supposed to get married, even have kids if possible. But I never even thought that Cinder would go overboard with her gift.

"Is there anyway to get her memories back?" I ask with pure determination. Dr Nandez thinks for a few seconds, then shakes her head.

"Okay I have to tell everyone else about what has happened, so can you please ask her some questions? Ask her the date, what her name is. Things like that." I inform Dr. Nandez as she looks sad that the future queen of Luna had lost her most important memories.

She bobs her head, nodding. "Of course Your Majesty. Do you want me to tell her about the war?" She asks me. I think about it.

I shake my head. She doesn't need the traumatizing nightmares. "No I would rather you don't." I told her.

I was worried as I walked down the hall to inform our friends that Cinder had lost her memories and doesn't remember them.

Here goes nothing, I thought as I arrived in the hall that they were all staying at.

[Cinder's POV]

Why am I here?, I thought to myself. No, even better question! Where is here? My thoughts were interrupted by the woman that worked on my hand as she walked in. Prince Kai was nowhere to be seen.

"How you feeling Miss Lihn?" she asked me as she took the chair that Prince Kai had been sitting in before.

"Oh I feel fantastic! First I wake up in a room that I don't know. Second Prince Kai was acting as if we had met before. And lastly I feel. Like. Crap." I conclude. She doesn't look shocked, which I thought she would.

"Miss Linh I want to ask you some questions." She says, since she looks like a doctor I will just call her Doc.

Doc then asks me some basic questions. I try to answer the best I can but even I know that something is wrong.

"Now answer some of my questions." I say. Doc nods, accepting it easily. "Where. Am. I?"

Doc looks like she wants to protest, but my glare makes her answer.

"Miss Linh... There's no easy way to say this, but you are on Luna." She says slowly.

This is crazy! There's no way that I could be on Luna! I think of those words as I black out.

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