chapter one: Discarded

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-crunch- -crunch- there was crunching sounds as a melanistic barn owl was walking on the forest floor. He was searching for centipedes  and was looking in all of the nooks and crannies. "Where are they? They
are usually around this area." The owl spoke. The one Rejected by his mother. The one thrown out of a hollow was alive. Pax as he called himself was hungry and looking for food. "I could really use a centipede." Just then his stomach growled. After searching for awile he lifted up a rock to find a nice centipede. He grabbed it with his talons and began to eat. As he finished he looked around. "Quite a nice night! Though most nights are nice nights." He walked to a bed of leaves and sat down. He ruffled his feathers and began to think. He liked thinking in his free time witch was all the time due to the fact all he does is walk around. He was thinking of his memories of him being thrown out of the hollow. That's all he thought about  because it was very memorable. Though it wasnt a good memory. He knew sun would rise soon and so he just sat there. He waited for the sun to rise and it did eventually.

Sorry but I'll continue this on part two of chapter one!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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