Chapter 2

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"Mom has been in a coma for the last 6 years, " Aziri and Amira told him. 

"What?!" Scrooge cried. 

"She told us that when she entered her eternal sleep, we needed to find our father.  It should be safe now, as a certain witch will now have most of the attention on her. Then she told us to find her journal from when she was young. She said it would have all the answers we've been looking for, and it led us straight to you, " Aziri explained. 

 "She also told us to let her 'lover boy Scrooge' know she still loved him with all her heart and soul, " Amira added. Scrooge turned rose pink from the blush on his beak when he heard his lover's old nickname for him. 

"Aye… well… eh, I love my lovely jewel too. Your mother Firith, where does she lie? We must find her, before Magica does! "

"She's in a grotto underwater in her merduck form. Who is Magica?  Is she that witch mom was talking about? " Aziri asked her father. Scrooge scowled at the mention of Magica's name. 

"Magica De Spell.  An evil witch who used to reside in my lucky number one dime. She wants to take over all of Duckburg, destroy my whole family,  and everything I love. Your mother Firith has been with me from even before day one. She is who I love most, and she is the most precious and magical being ever to exist. Magica must know this and is trying to siphon off her magic, making Firi grow weak and tired!"

 Meanwhile Amira was talking to the purple dressed duckling who said her name was Webby. 

"So you are the daughter of Scrooge McDuck! " Webby all but nearly screamed at her. Amira cringed slightly at the volume of Webby's voice. 

"Yes, my twin sister Aziri and I. Our mother is Firith Phoenixfire-Ravenstorm. Our mother wanted us to keep our father's last name,  so my full name is Amira Delilah McDuck-Phoenixfire-Ravenstorm, but I go by Mira for short." Webby's widened as she listened. 

"OMG, I need to write this down!" She cried,  getting a pen and paper out. "And what is your sister's full name? " Webby asked curiously. 

"Aziri Dawn McDuck-Phoenixfire-Ravenstorm."

Webby wrote it down. 

"WOW! You're related to the Phoenix?!" A young male duckling with a red cap asked. 

"That's my grandmother on my mom's side, yes,"  Amira responded. The blue dressed duck from before and a duckling wearing a green sweater came up to her. 

"Im telling you,  these girls are our cousins!  Their Uncle Scrooge's daughters," the blue one tried to tell the other.  The green dressed duck Shook his head defiantly. 

"So you must know all about the Legend of the Crystal Heart, huh?" The green one asked,  eyebrows raised. Amira turned to him sadly. 

"Yes, indeed I do. It involves my mother, Firith Serena Phoenixfire-Ravenstorm, descendent of the Phoenix and The white crystal raven. She's been in a coma for the last 6 years. "

Duck Tales : The Legend of the Crystal HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora