But all wasn't well. Lorena had just witnessed the man she loved walk away with another woman. So much had changed in a year. Of course, he'd never said he had any intentions toward her, and why would he? She had no money, and they'd shared one impulsive kiss over a year ago.

She wanted to fall through the floorboards and never return.

Instead, she rushed from the room and toward the hall, heading in a direction that held fewer guests, not stopping to take in Ashwick's vast collection of art. Vases lined the halls and paintings adorned the walls. She'd never been to his residence herself, but she'd heard of its grandeur. Her mind wouldn't allow her to think on it for long.

She came to a hall that was completely empty. Genie appeared as if from nowhere.

"Lorena, you can't avoid him all night."

Lorena had a prepared response for this but paused as she heard a noise. Then she heard another that sounded like something heavy hitting the ground.

"What was that?" Genie asked.

They both turned to look down one of the long corridors and watched as a man emerged. It took Lorena a full moment to comprehend why she couldn't make out his face from this distance. Chills ran through her, and she noticed his shabby attire and that in his hand he held a box.

A box that obviously did not belong to him. In fact, she was sure it very much belonged to Ashwick.

He started toward them at a run.

Genie screamed.

The man cut down another hall.

Lorena followed.

"Lorena!" Genie shouted. "What are you doing?"

Lorena picked up her skirts and ran, aware of Genie's quick footsteps right behind her. She passed an armed statue and noticed when she didn't hear Genie's feet anymore. Then she heard a grunt. She turned around and noticed Genie struggling to untangle her dress from the metal on the statue's armor. Unlike Lorena, Genie was dressed in a stunning pale blue evening gown.

But Lorena had no time to wait for Genie. She ran, following the direction the man had fled until she saw movement in a formal dining room. The man was opening a window when Lorena paused at the door.


The man turned to look at her and fear gripped her. Dark eyes stared at her from the other side of the mask.

Then he turned back around, grabbed the box, and while climbing out, knocked a heavy candelabra from the table with his foot.

Then he was gone and flames burst from the floor. The curtains by the window caught fire first, then a carpet and the wallpaper. It was a disaster. She looked around, spotted a table liner, took it from the table, and began to try and fan the flames away, but then they grew, up toward the ceiling and circling the room.

A strong arm grabbed her and pulled her from the hot room.

She was lifted and carried down the hall. It took her a moment to realize just who was carrying her.

Ashwick did not look happy.

Flames poured out of the room and into the hall.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"Me?" Lorena gripped his neck as they started down the stairs. "We have to save Genie."

"How do you think I found you?" he asked as he adjusted her.

Lorena tried to ignore how hard his body was as her side was pressed into his chest. The arms that held her were also strong.

They made it to the foyer, and Lorena noticed the house had been emptied of guests.

Lorena looked over Ashwick's shoulder and saw the flames licking down the halls. "Your house," she whispered as they made it outside.

Only when they were at the street did he put her down. They both turned to watch fire through the windows as it quickly consumed every floor.

The townhouse was gone, along with his vast collection.

Lorena's heart fell. "Ashwick—"

"A moment," he said, raising a hand to silence her as he watched his home and his worldly possessions burn before his eyes. He simply stood there for a long time, staring at the building and doing nothing but breathing deeply and slowly. The lights of the flames danced across his features, emphasizing the turmoil in him. Then he closed his eyes and asked, "What happened?"

Lorena hated the words she spoke, but said them because they were true. "There was a man in a white mask."

He frowned.

"I don't jest," she quickly said. "A man was stealing something from your house and I thought—"

"To chase him?" he asked, his voice growing. His eyes were wide. "Why not call for help? You could have been hurt."


"You could have died!" he shouted.

Lorena looked around and saw that the other guests were standing on the street. Some stared at the burning building while others had turned to look at him. She'd done it again. Her first night back in society, and she'd managed to ruin yet another party. She should have left when she first thought to do so.

Lorena ducked her head and said, "Ashwick..." She gasped and stopped talking when he stepped closer. She lifted her head to look into his eyes.

He lowered both his head and his voice and while holding her eyes said, "You owe me."

Lorena swallowed and shook her head. "I didn't do it. It was the man in the mask."

"You owe me," he said again.

Her chest hurt and she knew she'd never have the money to rebuild his home. He knew it as well as her. "Ashwick, I didn't—"

"We need to talk, Lorena," he said even lower. "You and I will talk." Then, in a blink, he walked away, leaving Lorena trembling with apprehension. She thought of the other times she'd spent in Ashwick's presence...

* * *

Regency Romance: Lady Lorena's Spinster's Society ( #1, The Spinster's Society)Where stories live. Discover now