"Simply Protecting the Forest"| Evergreen

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Basic InformationNameEvergreen Oaks

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Basic Information
Evergreen Oaks



January 3


Hocestsilva National Park
She would rather break her arm than let a sapling get hurt. Which is difficult considering the crime that is rampant in the area.

National Park Ranger of Hocestsilva National Park

Personal Information
Personality Summary
Evergreen is a righteous, seemingly confident, and expressive female who cares deeply for nature and takes her duty to protect it extremely seriously which causes her to come off as rather intense, especially if you harm or disrespect the forest in any way and she catches you. Nonetheless, she is very polite and respectful or at least tries to appear to have a good etiquette, often getting a bit self conscious and stressed when she feels as though she appears uncouth. Though her passion and intensity does tend to chase away others, the female's usually confident persona hiding rather low self esteem and sensitivity due to her past and social skills, often feeling a bit like a nuisance because she tends to overreact to everything and her dedication and passion causes her to struggle to hold a casual conversation with someone. She's is technically a bit dumb in a street wise sense when it comes to social interactions with a few trust issues due to being bullied as a child only contributing to this struggle.

Evergreen is also quite the workaholic, believing anything logical can be achieved through hard work and belief, having motivated herself with that optimistic ideal for a majority of her life. Her enthusiasm most definitely contributes this, the female rarely relaxing and rather often stubbornly overworking herself for the sake of protecting her loved ones or upholding her duty. This can also cause her to be recklessly selfless, the female often putting her duty and work above herself. It's because of this workaholic nature, she often tends to put herself as a leader and approach things pragmatically rather than stress about the what if's, being straight to the point and as blunt as courtesy will allow.

Nature in General, Calm Indie Music or General Silence/Ambience, Breakfast Foods (Especially Pancakes and Waffles), Open Spaces, and Heights (She likes being high... she's too naive too understand what that sounds like)

Wasting Time, Being Pitied, Riding in Cars, Overly Formal Situations, and People Disobeying the Rules

Tree Climbing and Hiking
While her work does tend to take up all her free time, Evergreen does show great enjoyment in doing things in nature.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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