Part 2

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I woke up, an ache throbbing in my head. I had another dream, I could on recall parts of it. I fell back down to lie on the couch, massaging my temples. I heard the door open and light footsteps.

"Do you want to Panadol?" Lilly asked me. I gave her a thumbs up as the pain in my head intensified. She walked back to me with a glass of water and two white tablets. I swallowed them quickly, grimacing in pain.

"Maybe you should see a doctor?" Lilly said softly, she sat down on the couch, pulling my legs on top of her. I pulled a face and shook my head. No way! Doctors and I are not friends.

"They will probably jab me with a needle." I pulled a face of horror. Lilly laughed.

"Come on, for a check-up. I will go with you." She smiled at me, then her face morphed into a frown. "You keep getting headaches and I'm worried."

"I'm ok." I smiled at her. the pain in my head wasn't as bad as it was before. It felt like something was trying to push into my head but couldn't? I don't know, it's weird.

We stayed silent before Lilly's phone rang, she groaned, getting up slowly and walking into her room. I watched her walk out as she answered her phone.

"Hello? Ah, hey! Nope......Stacey and I checked the place out last night....." her face frowned before she gasped. She nodded and then the call ended. I looked at her confused.

"What?" I asked quickly, sensing something wasn't right.

"Some guy was murdered last night. Outside the club, just after we left."

She slowly sat back on the couch. I reached out and took her hand, squeezing it.

"They say there was a mark on his neck. like a bite?" she sounded a little confused.

Hell, I was confused. A bite mark? I made a face, something in my mind niggling and yet the second I thought I had it, it was gone again. I felt myself get a little frustrated, for as long as I could remember, I had this problem and it got worse every day.

"Are you ok?" I asked, Lilly was more sensitive then I was. For some reason, it felt like I was use to this kind of thing. I can't even explain it really.

"I think so." She nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Come on, let's get coffee. My treat."

We had gotten coffee; Lilly had ditched me for her date with the bartender from last night. I walked around, popping into a small bookstore, fingers running along the covers of the spines. I pulled one out, opening it to the front to read the inscription.

"My dear Alison, I hope this finds you well. Use this book as a guide to find yourself."

I turned quickly to see Kalbe standing behind me with a smile on his face.

"Hey Stacey."

"Hey Kaleb." I said a little breathlessly. He had sacred the living day lights out of me.

"What are you up to?" he asked, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. I noticed he wore a leather jacket and looked really good.

"N-nothing." I stuttered, feeling like an idiot. He smiled.

"Can I offer you lunch?" he asked with a shy smile. I bobbed my head, before placing the book back on the shelf. We walked to a small café, taking a seat inside it. I grabbed a menu and flipped through it, glancing over at Kaleb who had looked at me. I looked away, hiding my face quickly as a blush rose on my cheeks.

"I may get the pancakes." I said at last.

"Pancakes? At 1pm?" he asked. I nodded and I saw a smile crease his face. The waitress walked over, I expected her to gawk at Kaleb, I mean I would gawk at him. she turned to the both of us with a smile.

"How can I help you both?" she asked.

"Pancakes please." I handed her the menu and also ordering a lemonade. I had way too much coffee today, my body felt jittery.

"I will have pancakes too but can I grab coke thanks." Kaleb smiled at her before turning back to me. "So, Stacey, what do you do?" he asked.

"I am a photographer, well an amateur one. I also work a few side jobs as a cater." I finished, taking a deep breath before smiling at him. "How about you?"

"I am currently studying, Engineering. I work a few nights a week down at the gallery."

"Wow, the gallery on the main strip?" I asked. he nodded. My eyes widened. It was amazing in there, heaps of priceless art works, I had only been in there once and hated the fact I could not afford a single piece, nor would I ever be able too.

"Not as glamourous as it sounds."

"I beg to differ. You get to see the art as it comes in. I'm jealous." I groaned a little. He chuckled.

"A few new pieces are coming in tonight; I could sneak you in if you wish to see?" he gave me a sly look and I grinned.

"Will you not get in trouble? I asked.


"Then I will be there."

Kaleb had told me where to wait in order for him to sneak me in. I felt my anxiety spike and suddenly got cold feet. I took two steps away before I heard some yell out.

"Chickening out already?" he teased.

I turned with a smile, shaking my head.

"Nope, just getting my steps in for the day." I lied.

He just shook his head with a laugh. He held the door open, meaning I had to kind of, push past him to get in. I felt this warmth rolling off of him. it felt like light. When I stepped away, it was gone. I followed him through, trying to keep quiet in case we weren't alone.

"Come on slow poke, keep up." he shouted, the words echoing off the walls.

"SHH!" I hissed.

"Why?" he asked confused.

It dawned on me; we were alone which was why he was yelling like a clown.

"Never mind." I replied quickly.

"Just in there are the new pieces, I need to fill some paperwork in, and I will be in shortly."

I nodded. I walked into the small room and started to walk around and look at some of the pieces that were in there. I study a few of them, until I came to one towards the back. I cocked my head to the side, before looking at the small good name plate.

Klaus Mikaelson

I felt panic surge through me, I gasped feeling my heart hammering. I fell to my knees, tears rolling down my cheeks. That name. something about that name. my body trembled, I tried to reason with myself, I didn't know of any Klaus's and yet, it was like my body did.

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