Curious Strangers

22 0 1

Mirai p.o.v

'Ugh! Freaking Emi made me miss curfew! AND DINNER!'

Working on that project with Emi was exhausting! We legit worked from 7 p.m. last night until 6:30 p.m. today- which is ridiculous. I mean- sure now the entire thing is done but that's besides the point! My point is, it's stupid. No one should be that dedicated to a freaking school project. It's not natural!

What gets me though is that Toshi still hasn't called me all day. Even worse is that she hasn't picked up any of MY calls; which, is a near impossible occurrence. The only thing making it a possibility is if she was dead. Which is impossible in its' own rights.

So, here I was. Trudging through the dark on my way back to the book store. On the verge of a panic attack. My cheek feels cold- ugh itchy! Wait... is that a tear? Am I crying!? What the heck!

At this point I've fallen against the closest wall. What in the world is going on with me? Toshi is probably back at the shop. There's nothing wrong.

So then why do I feel so worried about her?

I sat there breathing for a minute, trying not to go completely bat shit. The light from the streets were dim now. Oh lord I'm finally cracking... the darkness is closing in. All 6 foot tall and size Goliath shoes and everything- oh wait there's just a person standing in front of me. Yup, totally bonkers.

3rd person

Mirai just stared up at the stranger dazed. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes watery. The stranger before her, however, was a complete contrast. Seemingly cold eyes flared at her, standing with a stature that screamed reincarnated Viking and white hair that almost blended into the background of the snowy sky. He stood observing her for a moment before she bluntly broke the silence.

"It's not my fault they killed off Loki!"

Sometime later....

The bar was cozy and warm as Mirai sat at the counter- her cheeks being pulled this way and that by the crimson nails of the crazed woman across from her.

"Oh you poor thing~ You must have been so scared out wandering alone looking for your sister! And then to have big old Yo-kun come up.... wah how terrifying it must have been!"

The said giant grunts, offended by his friends comments. Mirai pulls herself free from the clingy witc- woman, rubbing the sting out of her cheeks. "Well I know how David felt when he was forced to go fight Goliath now- no offense."

Yomo nodded towards her before sipping on his drink again. Unsure within the silence Mirai looked down at her hands which lay on the wooden counter. "Umm- thanks. For bringing me here I suppose. I get kind of ridiculous when it comes to my sister."

A manicured hand waved in front of her face, "Of course sweetie! Besides Yomo can be such a softie- he'd never leave someone as cute as you out there to freeze!"

Mirai nodded hesitantly, glancing at the man from the corner of her eye. "Yeah...."

Another moment passed. The ice in the glasses clinked, raising Mirais' anxiety. "Um... since I'm here-"

She hesitates, griping her hands tighter, "Why exactly did you bring me here? I mean... it's not that I'm ungrateful or anything but- I really need to find my sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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