On the move

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Taehyung POV:
" don't no go down stairs" said the eldest alpha if our pack. Jimin my brother goes straight to the room while I get all of the alphas clothes together to wash them. I head down stairs quietly when I heard " they both are omegas and they are both pretty cute so maybe one of them could have your babies alpha cortex" I stand there silent I ask my self " which one did they want there where only two omegas me and jimin" I run silently up the stairs and sit the basket down slowly. I open the door to jimin fake sleeping I know he was faking because  I could see how hard he tried to hold his laughter in, "chimmy?" "yes?" he replies. I tell him
Everything "we should
Leave Tae I don't think we want to know which one they want",I could tell he was serious cause he called me Tae, everybody called me v which stands Victory. "We should go out the window" he says "no remember there are guards all around here" I say I think for a while "maybe I can dig a hole" I say proudly he just looks at me like I'm dumb "we are going out the window okay but we have to jump in wolf form or we will end up breaking some bones" He says sternly . I take my clothes off and tie them around my ankle jimin does the same, "are you sure we wanna jump?" I say worried "we are on the 2nd floor chill out tae" I giggle " 1..2..3..jump he said in a whisper

Namjoon POV :
"They're gonna kill us hoseok" I say worriedly we didn't catch any food and this was our last straw. "Your lucky they can't kick you out your an alpha and you know what I like to be called joonie" hoseok (jhope) said. "My mom and dad are dead and my brother who hates me is already the alpha and I'm not even next in line" I say with a frown. "It's okay lets just deal with the punishment"jhope says. We get to the dinner circle where my brother looks at me with a smirk "where is your portions of food" jhope looks at me and says "we didn't catch any" "there plenty food so why didn't you catch any"my brother replies "the area you gave us is empty as my stomach" jhope then says back. You both know the punishment pack
Your things and get out of here you two are now disowned". I look at jhope who looks like he is boiling with anger " let's go" I say we pack our clothes and head out of there with no place to sleep.

Twilight of the wolvesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora