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I start walking along my bff, Katie(sorry, you can choose other name if u like)
She is fgoing on about how this town is not heathy enough.Screw her, I think Haddonfeild is just fine.As we walk, she soon becomes quiet.I look at our sorroundings to see were at the Myers old house.
"You dont beleive he killed his sister, do you, Y\N?"
I shake my head.We have known Michel since he was just a little kid.Growing up with him as my bff...It was hard to beleive he would kill his sweet sister,Judith.Then, he was gone.He was known as a freak show in our small town.Katie knew I took hate in people who tried to disown him.Michel was my only family, he took me in when My parents were killed.He knew the pain I felt.I look back up to the house, remembering the sweet kiss we once shared, the day before he got pute in the box.(aka mental instatution)
Katie pulls at my arm, and we continue.Soon we find ourselfs looking into the woods.The place where we built our home.
I start walking, Katie not far behind.Soon the leafs stop crunching nehimd me, and Katie screems.I look back, and she's gone.
The next thing I know, my feet are off.I run nto a few trees and fall but soo I see her.She's lying down, face first in the mud.A knife sticking out of her back.I gasp and start running again.Now, I wouldnt mind dieig, but for some reason, I keep running.I stumble across a hoise, not seeoing who's it was because of the dark, and rushing inside.My breath uneven.I run the the nearest room and sit.I dont know who's bed Im on, or who's house I am in.But, a girl neads sleep.My eyes grow droopy and I behgin to fade in and out, the last thing I saw, was a siloet of a man walking twords me.


I see her sitting down on my sister's bed.So beautiful...yet so frigile.She looks tierd.Like she dousnt sleep.I feal a wave of pitty consume me.This girl...there's somthing about her...I walk closer to her, ahe almost looks like...Y\N?no way, she-she died.They told me she died, thays why she never came back she.died...and it was all my fault.I sigh and sit next to her.Mabey it was my time...she was my angle.Makes sence, she is as beautiful as one.I stroke her hair gently.she mumbles a little and stirrs, before cuddiling close to me.I sigh and lean down, so my lips were at her ear.

"I still love you, Y\N"

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My Little Toy~Michel meyers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now