the meeting

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Eljah pov

I walked in to the room that is going to hold the meeting.  In the meeting there was Slenderman, Zalgo, PO, and me. The meeting was to find out what to do with me and i went with Slenderman, of course being me i pushed Slenderman on to Zalgo's lap.

Slenderman's pov

I can't belive this like kid could push me down.  After he pushed me down I realised where I was... ON ZALGO'S LAP!!!! And for some reason I kinda liked it.

Zalgo's pov

Slenderman was on top of me for some reason this feels right and I wish it could of  lasted longer but he got off and left.

At the mansion

Slender's pov

When we got back I started yelling " I can't believe you did you did that! How could you even push me!?!" After I called down he said "I just ship you guys and i can't help it,  its my demon and angel, I cant control them, ok" .  i said "ok." Then all of sudden someone knocked and when Elijah opened the door.someone fell through and it was " ZALGO!?!"

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