Chapter 1

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Summary: After freeing the slaves in Essos with your mother Daenerys, she sends you to claim the iron throne while she rules in Meereen. That was until you met Jon Snow.

A/N: Y/n/n= your nickname.

"What am I doing?" You asked while sitting on the throne in Dragonstone.

"Are you asking me, your grace?" Missandei looked around her to see if you're talking to someone else.

"Yes and no. Do you believe I made the right choice coming here?".

"Yes, you're the only one who can save the seven kingdoms. If you hadn't agreed, then your mother would've had to and then all what you've done in Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen would be destroyed and the slavers would've come back" she tried to encourage you.

"I know that, but she's the one who wanted the throne for so long and fought her whole life for it. I could've stayed in Meereen. I just don't know why she wanted me to go instead of her".

"I believe she wants you to make your own decision and be a ruler of your own".

"Can I tell you a secret?".

"Of course, your grace".

"I never really wanted to rule. A simple life would've been enough. Now, I have too many responsibilities and duties to fulfill. Do you think I'll make a good queen?".

"You already are a good queen".

"Thank you".

"What does your lord expect from me?" You asked a sorceress who goes by the name Melisandre that came to talk to you about the lord of light.

"Bosys bantis amāzis. Meri kīvio dārilaros ōz maghagon kostas" (The long night is coming. Only the prince who was promised can bring the dawn) she prophesied you in High Valyrian.

"The prince who was promised will bring the dawn. I'm afraid I'm not a prince" you replied.

"Your grace, forgive me but your translation is not quite accurate. That noun has no gender in High Valyrian. So the proper translation for that prophecy would be the prince or princess that was promised will bring the dawn" Missandei elaborated.

"Doesn't really roll off the tongue, does it?" Tyrion remarked.

"No, but I like it better. Do you believe this prophecy refers to me?" You questioned.

"Prophecies are dangerous things. I believe you have a role to play, as does another. The king in the north, Jon Snow" she informed you.

"Jon Snow? Ned Stark's bastard?".

You didn't like the sound of that. You thought you'd only have to get rid of one queen, Cersei. And now she tells you there's another king in the north.
"You know him?".

"I traveled with him to the wall when he joined the night's watch".

Varys asked her why she believes the prophecy singled him out and she told him about the Wildlings and how he protected them and united them with the northerners. Maybe he's not so bad after all.

"He sounds like quite a man" you expressed.

"Summon Jon Snow. Let him tell stand before you and tell you the things that've happened to him. The things that he's seen with his own eyes" she suggested.

Tyrion also advised you to summon him and try to make him an Ally. He also informed you that the Lannisters beheaded his father and that he trusted him.

You sent a raven inviting him to Dragonstone to bend the knee.

"You stand in the presence of Y/n Fireborn of the house Targaryen. Rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Rightful queen of the Andals and the First Men. Protector of the seven kingdoms. The sister of dragons. The unburnt. The breaker of chains. Daughter of the Khaleesi of the great grass sea" Missandei introduced and he seemed surprised.

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