Cast List

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All of the Jr Rev. Squad were gathered in a room and sat by each other. Theodosia Burr Jr. held a clipboard and a pen while the others had nothing.

"Ok everyone! As we all know, the musical Hamilton is the story about our parents and it's very popular" Theo said with a bright smile on her face.

"So we're recreating it" Angelica Hamilton announced. Theodosia had previously told the young Hamilton and wanted to tell the group herself, but this would be fine. "Sorry Theo. I'm just really exited"

"It's ok Angie. Yes, we are recreating this musical"

"Ok so what exactly do we have to do" Frances Laurens asked. She glanced over at her twin brother, Stephan, who had a book in hand and looked back at The Burr girl.

"We'll have to sing and maybe dance" Theo said which received a groans from the group. Except for Angelica and Violetta. "So we need to compose a cast list. First off, we need an Alexander Hamilton"

"ME" Phillip Hamilton yelled instantly. Theodosia always admired how much her boyfriend's determination to be like his father.

"Ok pip. Um, Angie, who would you like to be?"

"Oh! Can I be my mom"

"Wouldn't that be a little weird though" Mary Jefferson asked.

"No I love my mom! Besides, there's nothing weird or inappropriate between my parents in this. Right Theo"

"Yeah. That settles it. Angelica will be Eliza" Theodosia said as she wrote down the names. "How about we all play our parents"

"That sounds great" Angie agreed with her usual big smile.

"Ok so that makes me my father" Violetta Seabury added. "And that would make you yours" she then said to Theodosia.

"That's right. Oh wait" Theodosia said only to realize that she'll be playing her boyfriend's enemy technically. "Oh Phillip, I'm really about this"

"It's fine Theo" he said with a soft smile.

"Good! Now Mary you'll be-"

"I'm going to be both my parents" Mary announced proudly. Everyone turned their heads. Most of the Jrs had expressions that said she was crazy. "What? I want to play both my parents and I won't be convinced other wise"

"Ok, Mary will be Thomas and Angelica" Theodosia nodded and wrote it down on the clipboard. "Let's see. We still need to do Stephan, Alfred, Franc-"

"I would like to be my father" Frances said, cutting her friend off.

"Uh ok. But both of your parents are in this. Why John Laurens"

"Well, I like his part and I feel like I'm more like his than my mother".

"Wait! Then that makes me mom!" Stephan said as he looked up from his book.

"Sorry Stephan, but I'm putting Frances as John and you as Peggy" Theodosia said. Stephan frowned and rolled his eyes then went back to his book.

"Alfred you can be Charles. Susan is Maria and Georges is Lafayette" all being sons/daughter of the characters, they'd just agree with it.

"We still need a Mulligan, Washington, King George, Phillip, Madison, and Eacker" Georges mentioned.

"I'll be Washington" said a voice from behind. They all turned around to see Alexander Hamilton Jr.

"Ok! I guess that'll work"

"Oh can I be King George" James Hamilton asked as he walked into the room. "I just wanted to be included".

"Sure!" Theodosia wrote down the names. "Now, who wants to be Susan's abusive husband" nobody said anything when she asked that. "Ok well uh...Alfred you're not in act two. Can you do it?"

"Sure" Alfred responded in a tone that showed he really didn't really care and was clearly dragged here.

"Ok. Now how about Hercules Mulligan"

"Well I now his son! He's a dear friend of mine" Georges said with a small smile.

"Great! Which one? William or John?"

"John. I haven't actually interacted much with William"

"Well we'll have to do that afterwards" Theodosia said as she wrote down the name of the Mulligan boy.

"Hey guys" Everyone again turned around. There stood John W. Mulligan.

"Great! Our Mulligan is here" Angelica cheered.

"Now" Theodosia for the umpteenth time. "We need a James Madison"

"I'm here! I'm here! I'll be my father!" John Payne Todd said as he stormed in.

"Good" Theodosia smiled. "And I know who to put for Phillip and Eacker"

"Who" Everyone else asked.

"Oh you'll just have t wait. Now let's get to re-creating"

I'm really sorry that this took so long to get out. I got into a writing slump where I had no motivation to write and I've had to much homework. Plus I got sick. And I didn't know how I wanted to write some of this. Then at some point I just got lazy. I'm also sorry that this kinda sucks but hopefully you'll like what's coming soon for this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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