"So Great Ethel, we'll all see you tomorrow", Veronica said and left the lounge, yeah lets go after her.

"So one question Ronnie, what the Surtur was that about?", I asked as Kevin nodded his head along.

"Ethels poem was a cry for help if I ever heard one, the likes of which I vowed never to ignore, not after", Veronica started, Kevin looking kind happy with new gossip "uhhhh, do we need to sit down", Kevin said.

"Okay, so last year at spence, my best friend Kate and I, kind of terrorized this girl, Ava, so one time we made her drink gutter water", Veronica said.

"Why?", was all I could say, and gave her a look.

"I know the look you're giving me, and i'm not proud of what I did, as for the why, because she was there, because she was a misfit", Veronica started, but I interupted her "so you were a B-word because she didn't live up to what?, I said, "I know, i'm so sorry for what I did to her, again, we were class-a brutal bitches, anyway, by December, Ava couldnt take it anymore", she finished for now.

My eyes and Kevins eyes were wide, "oh my god, did you drive her to suicide?", kevin asked shocked.

"What?, no, but she did transfer schools, and went into therapy, so if I can make Ethel Muggs life alittle better, even just for a bit i'm going to do it", Veronica said, and looked at me, I gave her a nod of approval.

"Hey Peter", Cheryl said from behind me, oh holy Thor why?

"Yeah?", I asked.

"Can we talk?, in private", Cheryl said as she glanced at Kevin and Veronica.

"Okay", I said and we walked into the Music room.

"So Peter, did you know this weeks the official start of maple syrup season?", Cheryl asked.

"It might be a shocker, but no I dont", I said.

"So every year we host a tree-tapping cermony, a huge tradition that honors the Blossom bloodline, our heritage", Cheryl said.

"Sound.....Interesting", I said, a little unsure of what to say to her.

"It is, and its also incredibly exclusive, family and inner circle only", Cheryl said.

"Aha, and what excatly does that have to do with me?", I asked her.

"Well straight to the point, I like that, so you wanna be my date there", she said.

"No thanks", I said and stood up.

"The tapping's something Jason and I have done since we could walk, it was our special thing, but I can't face it alone, so please come as my escort", Cheryl said with her puppy eyes.

"No thanks, I have a girlfriend, then you could invite Reggie, Kevin or Archie instead, because my answer is no, n-o", I said and left the Music room, because Cheryl does simply not deserve my time, not after what she has done.

Music room (Cheryls pov):

Did he just?, did he just walk out on me, on me!, i'm Cheryl fucking Blossom, ohhh Peter Parker you will get whats coming, just you wait.

Student lounge later:

"Hey Peter, come on sit down we're celebrating", Veronica said, as she ate some fruit, I went to her side and sat down, she gave me a strwberry to eat, so Sweet.

"What are we celebrating excatly?", I asked.

"Well, Archie was telling us how he's going to some super-exclusive Music program", Kevin asked as Jughead now joined us and sat beside Betty.

"Maybe, if it happens, it'd would be huge for me" Archie said.

"Do you have to audition for it", Jughead asked Archie.

"Not excatly, mrs. Blossom came by earlier and said she would put a good word in for me", Archie clarified for us.

"Amazing", Kevin said, "Scary", I said and veronica said "terrifying"

"Uh-huh, so what does she get out of it?", Jughead questioned

"Well I told her i'd take Cheryl to their family tree thing, I already talked to Valerie about it and shes cool with it", Archie said.

"So shes cool with you being a gigolo then?", I said, which earned a slap on my arm from Ronnie, but a snicker from Kevin, and a glare from Archie, "what, you know its the truth", I finished.

"Well Peter, i'm doing someone a favor for my Music, I need connections outside of riverdale, if you were in my shoes you would have done the same", Archie defended.

"Weeeeeeel, I turned Cheryl tree thing down", I said as the group turned towards me.

"What?, why?", Archie asked.

"Because her creepy family scares me, Cheryl is mean and her mom sheesh", I said, and took a sip of my coke or my and Ronnies shared come apparently since she is gulping it down.

"Well Archie, it is the way of the world, since its all about connection, but Jughead is right, these kinds of favor come with a price, Betty back me up" Veronica said.

"I think its a Great idea, and since you're going to be there maybe you could talk to Polly for me?, I just wanna make sure shes okay", Betty said

"Ofcourse, and dont worry I can take care of myself", Archie said.

"Famous last words", I said, and was interupted by the pa system.

"Peter parker to the principals office, what have I done?

Ohhhhh you're in trouble the group yelled, haha funny punks.

Principal office:

"Come in Peter, this is our new transfer student", mr Weatherbee said.

A gorgeous latina turned around, whoa.

"Hi i'm Ava" she said as she extended her hand towards me.

"Peter here is also from New York, so I have a feeling he will be your go to", mr Weatherbee said.

"Oh hi i'm Peter, Peter Parker", I said as I shook her hand.

"Oh right my last name, Well i'm Ava Ayala", she said.

A spider in riverdaleWhere stories live. Discover now