Before we start

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Just a few things about the story.

1. The cover was made by me but the picture was not.

2. Again, the image in the cover was in no way made by me and no credit goes to me for it. (There's a signature on the bottom but I couldn't tell who it is, if you know, it would be great if you could tell me so I could properly credit them, thanks.)

3. This story takes place after the events of chapter two, and unless I say otherwise, everything that occurred in the movies still happened. 

4. There may be some triggers in the story, I will put warnings on any chapters that contain them.

5. This is not a happy story. If angst isn't your thing I suggest you not read it. 

6. I'm not very good at making update schedules so it will most likely be random and I am a bit busy so I can't promise how plentiful updates will be.

7. Leave comments please, criticism or otherwise, I want to know what you think!

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