The Exchange Student // Lashton

Start from the beginning

“What’s got you so on edge today?” Ashton asks when they’re in the line waiting for their turn to get some food. Luke shrugs and pushes his tray forward, not really knowing what to say. He doesn’t mean to be rude or snappy and isn’t sure if that’s what he comes off as but at the moment he’s just hungry.

“just need to eat.” he mumbles and when he then, finally, gets his food he sets off to find a place to sit. Since everyone doesn’t eat at the same time it’s hard to find a table and claim it as yours but that doesn’t stop people from getting a favourite table, as stupid as that might sound. Some people likes to have a table in the middle of the room, just to be able to see as much as possible, some prefers tables by the window or walls. Luke and his friends falls in the first category, preferring to have a good view of the whole room. And luckily for them, one of those tables are empty.

“Okay, so what are we doing today after school?” Ashton asks, sitting down next to Luke two minutes after Luke sat down. “do you have any plans?”

“Nope.” Luke says, showing some more food into his mouth. Ashton nods, more to himself than to Luke, and starts eating as well. “Maybe I could help you with maths? I saw you struggling earlier.” Luke suggests and Ashton nods.

“That’d be amazing, thank you Lukey.” Ashton gives him a short kiss and as much as Luke would want to deepen in, turn it into something more, he knows they can’t. The caféteria, as well as the classrooms, are, as some like to call it, no touchy zones and if an adult sees you making out or doing anything more than holding hands, you risk detention. Calum and Michael joins them seconds later, sitting down on the other side of the table, still talking about something that could have been interesting if Luke hadn’t been so hungry. Michael’s accent doesn’t make things easier and as always when he’s tired or hungry or bored, Luke’s having trouble telling if he’s speaking german or english.

“Hey, Michael?” the voice, not belonging to anyone sitting around the table, gets the attention of half the caféteria and Michael looks up, nodding. The boy standing in front of the table, one of the less important players on the school’s hockey team, has this look on his face, as if something hilarious is about to happen. “So since you’re an exchange student, wanna exchange some body fluids?” Everyone listening to them starts laughing and Michael blushes, his face turning as red as his hair. “Oh so you actually understand what I’m saying, do you?”

“Das Ei will kluger als die Henne sein, aber Ich bin nicht von Gestern.” Michael mumbles as he looks down, biting his lip.

“Is that a yes or a no?” The boy, Luke’s pretty sure his name is Kyle, raises an eyebrow. “Come on, I’ll even pay you. I bet you loves it, you’ve probably already done it with these three.” at that Calum stands up, walking around Michael and over to Kyle.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Do you want my foot up your ass because that’s what you’ll get if you insult Michael again.” Luke stands up as well, placing a hand on Calum’s shoulder to hold him back. Ashton follows his example and by now everyone’s watching them, waiting for what’s gonna happen next. Everyone’s so focused on Calum and Kyle that they doesn’t notice Michael getting up and leaving the room.

“Jeez, chill Calum. Can’t blame a guy for wanting to get laid now can you? And everyone knows they love it even more over there in Europe.” before Calum gets a chance to answer, Kyle turns around and leaves, probably realising that he went too far and that it’d be easy for Calum to kick his ass. When he does, the three all turns back to the table, only to find it empty.

“I’m going to kill him.” Calum storms out of the caféteria with Luke and Ashton close behind, and they soon decide to split up in order to find Michael faster. Calum starts walking towards the toilets and Ashton sets off towards the music room and Luke just stands there, unsure of where to go, before he decides to check outside. He leaves through a side door and walks around school, not actually expecting to find his friend. But he does. Michael’s hard to miss with his bright red hair and Luke sees him as soon as he turns the corner. He pulls out his phone and sends a quick text to Ashton and Calum, letting them know where to go, before walking over to Michael, who’s sitting on the fence that’s keeping people from getting onto school grounds, has a cigarette in his hand and doesn’t notice Luke at first. When Luke gets to the fence he needs to take a moment and try to figure out how Michael managed to get up there, he’s sitting ten feet off the ground, but when he does he only needs three tries before he gets up as well.

“Can I have one?” he asks and Michael nods, pulling out a pack from his jacket pocket and handing it to Luke. Luke opens it, taking a cig but ignoring the black lighter that’s in there as well, and hands it back to Michael. “cheers.”

“I’m not a slut Luke.” Michael says, finally speaking up. “I’ve never even...uh…”

“I know.” Luke says, nodding. He understands what Michael’s trying to say, for once, and can’t help but feel proud. “I know you’re not a slut, don’t worry about Kyle.” he puts the cig between his lips and watches how Michael slowly exhales, forming a ring with the smoke coming from his lips. Luke’s always been amazed by that but he’s never wanted to learn, since that requires actually smoking.

“Gegen Dummheit gibt es keine Pillen.” Calum comes over to them, surprising Luke so that he almost loses his balance, and stops just in front of the fence. Michael laughs at that and nods.

“Du hast eine scharfe Zunge Calum.” he says, putting the lit cigarette to his lips once again. Calum nods but doesn’t say anything and it doesn’t take long before Ashton joins them.

“Lucas Hemming, you better not be smoking!” he says, sounding an awful lot like Luke’s mother. Luke shakes his head and holds up the unlit cig before putting it back in. “fine, but unless you put that away I won’t kiss you.” this is all it takes for Luke to give the small stick back to Michael and jump down from the fence, walking over to Ashton and smashing their lips together. Ashton doesn’t complain and Luke lifts one hand to Ashton’s hair, tugging on it.

“I know I’m not an exchange student, but I wouldn’t mind exchanging some body fluids with you.” he mumbles, only loud enough for Ashton to hear, and to his surprise Ashton doesn’t pull away.

“Maths can wait, we have new plans for this afternoon.”


So here's what I think this means: 

Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung - speed limit

Sie sind ebenso schmutzig wie toilettenpapier - You're just as dirty as toilet paper

Probieren geht über Studieren - Trying is better than studying

vielleicht sollte er Ashton fragen. Er hat Haare zu Berge - Maybe you should ask Ashton. He's got all the answers

Das Ei will kluger als die Henne sein, aber Ich bin nicht von Gestern - The egg will be smarter than the hen but I wasn't born yesterday (basically, younger people are smarter than their pervious generations) 

Gegen Dummheit gibt es keine Pillen - No medicine can cure stupidity

Du hast eine scharfe Zunge - You have a sharp tongue

Again, these might be wrong so yeah, don't use them in school or anything x) 

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