The world is ending and its entirely your fault

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Writing prompt "The world is ending and its entirely your fault"

Writing prompt "The world is ending and its entirely your fault"

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Justin was sitting at his desk looking at the stack of paper in front of him. Being PM had its perks but the paper work side of it was a lot to take in. Justin knew that these next four years as Prime Minister was a lot for his wife and children but it was something that he needed to do. The Canadians trusted him so they re-elected him into office. Justin was barely home working on laws and writing speeches that his family sees him once in a few days. Justin looks up from his paper and around the room, seeing the blanket laying not folded across the couch he sighs knowing that its not heathy for his family but this is his job and he cant let the country go. Rubbing his hand down his face he feels the two week beard that has planted itself on his face making him look tired and older. Staying over night in his office isn't the best of places to be able to get a good nights sleep Justin's stress and work load has doubled giving him no time to rest. His wife Sophie has been trying to get him away from work for a break because he is overworking him self to death. Because the kids and her miss him, their youngest, Hadrien every night has been crawling into Sophie's bed and cuddling with his mom because he misses his dada.

    Justin left the office at 10pm to go home and eat a home cooked meal and to spend time with his family for once. As the car pulled into the driveway he sees that Sophie was packing the kids and suitcases into the car. Justin quickly climbed out of the car and rushed over to his wife. "What's going on Sophie?" Sophie turning and looked at her husband with red eyes, "The kids and I are leaving, I cant do this anymore." Justin watched his wife put the last suitcase in the trunk and turned to walk back into the residence. Justin let what Sophie said sink in and his eyes widened in shock, rushing to catch up with his wife he called out to her "Sophie wait!" She turned angrily and stalked over to her husband standing in the foyer pointing a finger to his chest, "you are never home your always at work and you look like shit," she turned grabbing her purse of the hall table and stood facing the wall looking away from her husband, "Sophie you know what this job means to me, I've been so busy that I haven't had time to come home," she turned with tears starting to form, "I'm tired of this Justin you've said that same sentence all of last week and this week, IM DONE," Justin knew that he has been a bad husband but since he's never been home he hasn't realized the extent of it. His face fell as Sophie looked at him with tears streaming down her face, she knew their marriage was coming to an end "The world is ending and its entirely your fault!" She broke down and left taking the kids with her leaving Justin standing in the foyer of the Prime Ministers residence. As the front door shut Justin fell to his knees and the dam burst leaving him to his demons and an empty house.

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