Chapter 35 Baby #1

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Skylar: I thought Trevor would be back by now!

Matt: He got stuck for an extended time, and right now that is not the time to talk about it because our daughter is in labor.

Kat: Where's Trevor when I need him

Matt: He got delayed back at the base. I"ll help you through this. I'm the one delivering the baby

Skylar: You got me too honey


~An Hour Early~ 

Kat: Dad, Trevor says he's stuck he can't come back.

Matt: Aw that really stinks

Kat: Tell me about it 

~Time Skip~

Skylar: KAT you okay???

Kat: No my water broke. *Contraction*

Skylar: MATT 

Matt: Coming!


~At the base~

Trevor: Sir, please let me go my wife is going to be in labor any day now!

Sergeant: You are dismissed, Officer! You'll be placed on family leave for a year

Trevor: Thank you, sir!

Sergeant: *Hands plane ticket and bags* Now go on son! I don't want you missing this precious time with your wife as I did

Trevor: Thank you, Sir!


Kat: I'm ready dad

Matt: Push Honey you can do 

Trevor: *Sprints in* I'm here baby

Kat: Well, this a great time to come, *pushes*
Trevor: Yep *Holds on to Kat*

Kat: *Pushes again*

Matt: She's out!

Skylar: Aw a baby girl

Matt: Aw she's so cute *Cleans up Kat* *Nurses take the baby to get cleaned up*

Trevor: What shall we name her

Kat: How about Lilly. Just like the flower you first gave me

Trevor: Lilly Angelica Smith it is then. 

Matt: A perfectly healthy baby girl you two got

Skylar: I can't believe I'm a grandmother already!

Matt: You wonder how my parents felt when we had Kat 

Skylar: Yep! 

Matt: We're were only in our 20's 

Kat: Just like us

Skylar: Yep

Matt: Here you go *Places Lilly in Kat's arms*

Kat: Hey sweet girl

Trevor: Hey sweet little angel of mine

Kat: This is truly amazing

Trevor: I'm off for a year. 

Kat: Also how did you get back so fast

Trevor: I left the base at midnight last night

Kat: Geez!

Trevor: I had three layovers, and man it took forever. The minute I got here to the hospital I sprinted. I'm surprised Security haven't found me yet

Matt: Naw, they understand when they see a guy like you frantically running down the hall. They normally know it's a new father rushing to his wife's side 

Trevor: Wow, you guys must have a lot of guys like me

Matt: Yup

Kat: Aw she's asleep. She's a perfect little angel. 

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