Part 2

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I hope you guys like this new chapter, and i know i said i had to have so many comments and votes but I kinda caved and just had to upload the second part :) love you guys:) <3 Law


 Chapter 2

            Before when I said I can't tell anyone, I meant any humans, because if I did I would have to go in hiding like grandfather who had to hide for the 678 years he was vampire.  You're probably wondering how a vampire lives that long, right?  It's because there are only a few ways to kill us. There is going thirsty, getting ripped into shreds, sticking a stake in our hearts, and maybe like two other ways which are too brutal to describe. So as I was saying we are always super healthy and irresistibly beautiful.

            Me and my best friend, (also a vamp) Nikki were both almost killed in a horse accident over 237 years ago.  We aren't that old and are 16 to humans and 254 otherwise.  We were both saved by a vamp doctor who is my dad's (who is really a great great nephew) great great great grandfather who to him is long gone but only lives in San Francisco. Oh, and by the way I live in Alaska were I was born to my parents that I don't remember.

            My not remembering might not be a big deal to you but to me it is.  Even Nikki thinks it's strange for me not to remember something since I have 48 scrapbooks and 136 college brochures (which have all been attended by me and her).  Speaking of Nikki, I have to go get ready to get something to eat (hunt) with her. My new boyfriend Joe, and hers Nick are taking us Valentine's Day shopping so we have to eat or it will be too much of a struggle for us, since were new and all.

            I ran with inhuman speed to my dad's office slowing down outside his door and entered.

            "Dad, I'm going to meet Nikki at the Mall, ok?" I said gracefully.

            "Yah, sure go have fun.  But be careful and be home by 10:30, and have the driver take you. Kay, sweetums?" My dad said looking up from his papers.

            "Sure thing Dad" I called as I ran down the hall, out the door, and into the passenger seat of our BMW.  "George, please take me to the trail near the highway were me and Nikki like to hike."

            "Absolutely, Miss Adams" George our driver said.

            "Thank you" I said as he started the engine and sped down the drive towards the highway.

            A few minutes later we were on route 1A and driving to the clearing in the woods where Nikki and her car were waiting. We came to a stop and I jumped out to see an anxious Nikki.

            "Where have you been?" she said giving me a sly smile and George a hungry look.

            "I had to talk to Joe about our plans for tonight" I lied, "and don't even think about it." I finished looking directly towards George's confused face and said goodbye.

            After he left I looked at her angrily and she laughed as we started to run at a car speed through the woods.

            "You know if you eat George you're paying for the next one who needs to look exactly like him." I told her.   

            "Ok, I won't eat your precious driver as long as you tell me when you're planning on firing him.  Now let's get a move on before I eat you." She threatened.

            "Like you can do that.  I know your every thought, can smell your emotions, can control any human that looks into my eyes, and can run ten times faster." I bragged. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2010 ⏰

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