Unprofessional Love (Yamada x Therapist! Reader)

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Requested by @Http-Reset (I love you Waifu, I hope you enjoy <3).


About Y/N:

Quirk: N/A


Gender: N/A

Love Interest: Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)



Y/N was tapping their pencil against their clipboard, thinking about the last hour. Y/N had just finished a therapy session with a poor, quirkless girl, who had been bullied for it. Y/N could relate, seeing as they were quirkless themselves. However, Y/N had decided to help people in a different way, but instead of saving their physical selves, by protecting them from villians or rescuing them from disasters, they had decided to listen to others problems, their worries, and their insecurities. Hell, Y/N even helped people with quirks, and even a Pro Hero...

Yamada, or Present Mic.

Y/N had been very surprised when he had called them and scheduled their first appointment. Y/N had always thought that Present Mic was a very exuberent, loud, happy person, but after their first session, had learned that he was, in fact, suffering from severe depression. He had talked for almost an hour, in a soft, monotone voice, that Y/N would never imagine would that a voice like that could come from the Voice Hero. Y/N had sympathized with the poor hero, seeing that the job and lifestyle of both a Pro Hero and a teacher at U.A. could be very stressful and at times, draining of both physical and mental strength. Y/N had also guessed that Yamada hadn't the best home life when he was younger (he never talked much about his past), and he was still suffering from it. They met twice a week, at five-thirty one Tuesdays and Thursdays, and currently, he was the one Y/N was currently waiting on, somewhat impatiently. It wasn't because Y/N wanted the work day to end, but because Y/N developed, well, feelings for the hero. Everytime they saw him, they felt butterflies in their stomach, and felt the heat rise up their necks and cover their cheeks, and touch the tips of their nose and ears. It got even worse when Yamada asked about Y/N's life, their worries, their problems, like the two had met up somewhere, not to get better, but to catch up with each other's lives, and to see how everything was going. Y/N knew that their feelings were something that was forbidden, uncalled for, and unprofessional. If her supervisors, and god-forbid, Yamada found out Y/N's feelings, they would lose their job, and their bond with their love.

A sudden, soft knock reached Y/N's hears. "Come in". It was Yamada. "I'm sorry I'm late, I never thought I'd have so many papers to grade. I'm never going to give out a test again." Y/N smiled, and set the clipboard down on the desk and opened a drawer to reveal a stopwatch. Y/N set it on the desk and when Yamada sat down in the chair, started it. He laughed when he saw it. "Always on time, Y/N you never forget that thing." "Well, Yamada, I'd be on time had you not shown up late." Y/N laughed softly, and Yamada exclaimed, "It wasn't my fault, I was grading papers and lost track of time!" Y/N laughed again and grabbed the clipboard. "Well, you know the drill. How are you?" With those words, the therapy session truly started. Yamada talked for a while, about how he's doing a bit better handling the stress of teaching his students, and since he's teaching, he doesn't have to worry about hero work so much, which in turn, makes him forget about the stress. Y/M documented all of this, smiling at his words, knowing that their love was feeling a bit happier. He paused after a bit, and Y/N got the feeling he was teetering on the edge of talking about something... Serious. "There's something I've been meaning to talk about Y/N. I've noticed I've been doing a lot better these past few weeks, and my reason for it is, while, frightning to me. You see, I've... developed feelings for someone." He blushed and stared at his shoes. "Everytime I see them, I feel excited, nervous, and happy all at the same time. They make me feel relaxed and calm." He sighed. The pit of Y/N's stomach dropped, and they had to will themself to keep the tears out of their eyes. Yamada loved someone else, not Y/N. Y/N didn't make them truly happy, they were only here to bottle up Yamada's problems. Y/N wondered who the lucky person was, and envied them. However, Y/N took a deep breath and said, with a detemintly calm voice, "Yamada... You should tell this person how you feel. Whoever it is... They'd be lucky to have you. Don't fear rejection, take a deep breath, march foward, and tell them your feelings." Yamada looked up. "It's not that easy, Y/N. The person I have feelings for... Well, it's diff

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