Ashes to Ashes

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                 As a little boy, Draaka Miller never believed in the undead, or supernatual beings. His grandmother, and old wise woman, often preached to him, " Dray, please understand. Just because you may not be able to hear or see someone, that doesn't mean they're not there." She would say to him. Yet for being both a younge teenage boy, and a skeptic he did not belive her. Up untill the night of his girlfriends disapearence did he start to believe.

                 It was one fall evening, and Draaka had taken his girlfriend, Calamity, to a diner and movie. When their little shindig was coming to a close Draaka was debating wheather to drop Calamity off at her front door, or just let her walk home alone, and with the maturaty of a five year old, he was going to let her walk alone. As they left the movie theaters they walked hand in hand all the way up to Draaka's block corner.

                 " Hey I'm sorry, but I can't walk you home tonight. My mother is making me do some terrible chores. Are you okay with walking home yourself?" he asked hopeing she would be okay with it.

                 " Yea." she said attempting to hold back her dissapointment.

                 " Okay then. I guess I'll see you tomarrow." He said giving her a sweet goodbye kiss on the cheek.

                  As they began to depart in their own separate ways, Clamity felt a jolt of coldness go through her body. As looked back she saw nothing there, just some trees, streets, and houses. As she continued to to walk she felt a bit uneasy. It was dark, late, cold, and not a soul was lurking. She began walking a bit faster, her heart was thiumping, her palms were sweaty, and her throat seemed to be knotted. She then turned around, and spotted such a thing that would horrify a U.F.L fighter. She tryed so hard to scream, but still there was that awkward knot in her throat. Just then she went with her instinked, and dialed her last called quicker then she ever had.

                 As she put the phone to her earit was too late. The anonymous figure was but five feet away. Its eyes were a glowing red and white, and a mouth that stretched from ear to ear. It was as if he had come straight out of her worst nighmare.

                 "Hello. Hello? Calamity are you there?" Draaka said in a voice that seemed to indicate he was annoyed.

                "Draaka please help me, theres..........theres, a man..........I think, but he's going to take me."

                "Calamity are you there?"

                 The phone then went silent, as if someone had ended it, but as Draaka looked down at his phone he saw it was still going.

                 Hello?" He said in a whisper, as if it could help.

                 Yet instead of what he thought would be his humble girlfriend reasuring she was okay, it wasn't her. He heard but a sigh that seemed to go straight through the phone, into his ear, and down his spine.

                  "See you soon." Its said, and the call was over

                  Draaka didn't know what to say nontheless what to do. As he realized the call was over, his reaction was to put his hand over his mouth. As he let the moment soak in he understood only one thing: He was single! He let the situation soak in a bit more. Calamity was still missing, and Draaka had to report that to the police. As he grabed his phone, and dialed 9-1-1 he retold the story of his ex-girlfriends disapearence.

                   Five weeks later Calamity was still missing. The kidnapper had left no trace of where he might have taken her. Yet while she was missing Draaka had made it his buisness to take advantage of the sanario. He had gotten a new girlfriend, plablicity for telling the police of her disapearence, and through it all didn't even worry if Calamity was okay.

                  Yet for Calamity, things weren't that bright. She was sick, very sick, and nonbody knew where she was. Yet through those five weeks she was tortured mentaly, physicly, and emotionally. She wasready to break out, but she had to be ready for the wrost! She was ready, but what she wasn't prepaired for an easy break out. All she had to do was walk out the front door. She walked and walked for what seemed like an eternity. When she got to her little town, her body was almost 10 1/2 digrees below what it should have been. Her eyes were red with anxiety, and her face was a pale red. Pale for not being fed, and having a cold, and red for crying for long hours. It was around 3:00 pm when school was letting out, and Calamity was walking past. SHe went right up to Draaka, who stared at her with a frightened face, and recited a poem.

                     "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. A life for a life, bound by horriflying lust." he then fel down and died.

                     She ran into the forest preseve, and layed her head down on some leaves. Calamity died that night. What she believed to be love, was really lust in discise, and that was too much for her heart to bare. Yet her story lives on, and those who say differently shall be stopped in their tracks! Foe her last words before she past on were as follows:

                     " See you soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2012 ⏰

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