15| I Now Pronounce You Queen Of Riverdale

Start from the beginning

"I, Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, Promises to protect Riverdale from any harm, make Riverdale a safer environment for the children. I, as Queen, promises to keep the environment clean and neat." Cheryl said, repeating after her father.

He prayed among her, tapping her shoulders, " I now pronounce you queen of Riverdale!" He announced.

The whole room erupted into cheers and whistles.

Toni clapped until she couldn't anymore, she was proud of her wife.

Cheryl mouthed 'I love you.' To Toni. Toni mouth it back, blowing a kiss.

"Toni Topaz is also queen since she is married to one. But she is a little caught up. So, I pronounce Antoinette Marie Topaz, Queen of Riverdale!" Clifford announced. Everyone clapped again.

Toni smiled. She was shocked, to say the least, but she loved it.


"Thank you for all coming! The guards will lead you out, have a safe trip home." Cheryl smiled.

Betty and Veronica returned with Tyson's overnight bag. Cheryl looked confused. Toni laughed nervously.

"I sorta kinda, volunteered to babysit Tyson," Toni told her wife. Cheryl smiled.

"Yay!" She exclaimed, picking up, a still, sleeping Tyson. Cheryl didn't mind watching Tyson, she felt it would prepare her for when she and Toni have children.

"Thanks again, guys. We will be there around 10 in the morning to pick him up." Betty said, checking her watch. 8:56 PM.

"Take your time. We love his company." Cheryl smiled, trying to wake up Tyson.

"We switched his car seat into your car, Toni," Veronica said, passing Toni her keys.

Toni frantically checked her pockets, looking up and slowly taking the keys, with furrow brows.

"How did you get my keys?" Toni asked, look at her wife, who just shrugged.

"You should really look out for your surroundings. You could get pickpocketed very easily." Veronica warned.

"Ugh! Just leave!" Toni groaned. The couple left with a wave.

"We should get going. He's probably hungry." Cheryl said, taking the keys from Toni. She carried Tyson, who was half up, to the car, buckling him in his car seat.

"I hungry." He mumbled. Cheryl made sure he was secured, before closing the door.

"Okay, Ty-Ty we're gonna feed you." Toni looked in the rearview mirror.

Tyson nodded, with a yawn.

"Where mommy?" He asked.

"They went out. Your stay with me and auntie Cheryl. Is that okay?" Toni asked, pulling out the driveway if the castle.

"Yes." He replied, playing with his hand. Cheryl smiled, looking back at him.

She turned back around, linking her fingers with Toni's.


"Do you want some nuggets? They're shaped like dinosaurs!" Toni suggested.

"Yes!" Tyson said excitedly, jumping up and down.

Cheryl walked in the kitchen, "what's all the noise about?" Cheryl chuckled, picking up Tyson. Tyson clapped his hands.

"Auntie Toni makes me dinosaur nuggets," Tyson said, not fully putting it in a full sentence.

"Cool! Dinosaurs!" Cheryl played along.

"But before you eat, you have to take a bath. Okay?" Cheryl said. Tyson nodded, letting Cheryl pull him away.

"Byeeeeeeee." He said to Toni. Toni chuckled with a wave. She placed the nuggets in the oven, closing it back gently.

Cheryl bathed Tyson, drying him off. His blonde hair sticking to his forehead.

"You look like a baby monster." Cheryl laughed. Tyson giggled, with a shiver.

Cheryl wrapped him in the towel more, drying him off.

She dressed him in his pajamas, huffing with she was done.

She carried Tyson back downstairs to the kitchen, where Toni was just now taking the nuggets out.

"Yay!" Tyson exclaimed, smiling when Toni brought over his nuggets.

It was warm enough for him to eat.


After 3 hours of chasing and playing with Tyson. He finally falls asleep.

Toni plumped down on the bed with a huff, "That was a lot of work." She said, laying her head on her hand.

"Right! I'm tired. I have to wake up extra early because of this queen bullshit!" Cheryl huffed. She curses a lot when she's cranky.

"Just go to bed babe," Toni said, pecking Cheryl's lips.

Cheryl nodded with a yawn. She changed her clothes, getting into bed.

Toni doing the same, cutting off her bedside lamp.

Tyson was right across the hall, so they can hear him when he wakes up.

"Good night. I love you." Toni whispered.

"I love you too." Cheryl sighed, placing her head in the crook of Toni's neck, softly placing a kiss there.

Toni smiled, closing her eyes. They both fell into a deep sleep.

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