Fandoms, right?

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hey yall! before we begin, this story is the au i mentioned in my author's note!  if you have any questions about it, feel free to comment!

Nino had just finished reading the latest installment on his favorite blog, when he was snapped back to Earth.

"Mister Lahiffe? Mister Lahiffe? If you are paying attention, could you ever so kindly finish this problem on the board?"

Crap. Polynomials.

Nino had no idea what they were talking about, to be honest. The past week that they were working on polynomials, there were exactly 20 new post to the Ladyblog. The writer must have been sick from school those days. Imagine if he went to school with his favorite reporter, and didn't even know it. Nino had just transferred to that school this week, so the pressure was up. He had spent his time not doing homework by reading the Ladyblog. The only time he isn't doing homework, however, is in school.

"Um, 3 cubed?"

The class laughed.

"It seems that you forgot to simplify, Mister Lahiffe."

Ha. Like this could ever be simplified.


Alya had just finished another post to the Ladyblog. Too bad she was sick, or else she could've gone outside to the scene of the attack.

"Alya! Marinette is here with the work you missed! Do you want her to come up?"

Alya felt horrible. She was coughing, her eyes were red, her nose was stuffed. The last thing she wanted was for someone else to feel like that, especially Marinette.

"That's ok! I don't want her getting sick!"

Alya heard footsteps coming to the door, and a small thud of books hitting the ground.

"Feel better, Al!"

"Thanks girl!"

Finally, as she heard the steps down the stairs, Alya put her earbuds in. She played the next song on her playlist, and drifted away to the music of DJ Lahiffe. If only she could meet him! What a world that would be. As her thoughts swam with fantasies of meeting her musical idol, she fell asleep, dreaming of him.

-----------------The Next Day---------------------

Alya was definitely feeling better, so she put her earbuds in as she walked to school. On her way, she met up with Marinette and gave her some unwanted details about a dream Alya had of DJ Lahiffe.

"Alya! Ew!"

But in Alya's defense, she never would have said those thing aloud if she knew who was around the corner.
As the pair turned the corner, Alya stopped dead in her tracks. The signature headphones and cap of DJ Lahiffe were mounted on a boy just over 10 feet away from the girls.

"Oh my god! I-is that?"

It was.

"That's Alya! Reporter from the Ladyblog! I am such a huge fan of hers! Dude, do I look ok?"

Nino expressed much concern over his appearance to his best friend, Adrien. It wasn't every day that you would see your idol, or so they thought.

"Does my hair look ok?"
"Are my headphones centered?"
"Do you think he knows about my blog?"
"You think she listens to my music?"

Almost simultaneously, the two were pushed together by their best friends, seeing each other face to face.

"You write-"

It took over 30 seconds for anyone to make a complete sentence. Surprisingly, Alya said the first words.

"Hi, I'm Alya! You probably have no idea who I am, but i love your music so much!"

Nino looked at her with complete shock.

"You-you like my music? Its so underground!"

Alya, queen of comebacks, shot back:

"Yeah right! If you're underground, then my blog is nonexistent!"

Now Nino was even more shocked.

"Are you kidding? I love your blog! I've been failing math class because I needed to catch up on all of your theories and stories!"

Alya, who had an A in math class, suddenly had a bright idea.

"Well, if you love it so much, why don't i write a piece on how you're failing math? Or would you prefer how you're acing it?"

"Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen. Unless you know someone that's willing to, like, tutor me, you're gonna have to go with the first idea."

A wide grin crept up on Alya's face.

"I know just the person."


wow this was a fun one! remember my requests are still open until i say they aren't, so keep the ideas coming!

hope you liked the chapter,

Nino X Alya one shots 🦊🐢Where stories live. Discover now