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Katsuki screamed at the top of his lungs as he forcefully lift his body from the bed. He wiped his sweat on his forehead and felt a tear fell down on his left eye.

He could not bear it any longer. He's been having a nightmare about you for three consecutive days. Katsuki is not the type of guy who would take this thing seriously, but if it includes you, it is a serious matter indeed.

He got up from his bed with his messy hair and cried, running on the hallway to find your room.

The young ash blonde guy knocked on the door endlessly while sobbing. A few seconds later you opened the door with your half asleep body.

"K-Katsuki--" You mumbled while rubbing your eyes as you felt a tight hug from the muscular guy. An electricity jolted on your spine after hearing his crying voice.

"W-what's wrong love??" You cupped his cheeks. and ran your fingers through his hair locks. He gently rested his head on your left shoulder, grabbing your waist while walking towards your room. You took a few steps backward, his heavy body made you stumble on your bed.

"Katsuki!" You called while supporting your arms on the mattress. He pushed you gently on the bed and pulled your waist on his.



"I said..." Katsuki placed your head on his chest "cuddle me you fucking brat" he mumbled.

"Impossible. It's 4am in the morning!" You sighed while breathing on his chest. His sweet caramel scent lingers on your nose and you could not help yourself but to sniff and rest your head on his chest fully.

"What's wrong, Katsuki??"

He shook his head and smiled.

"You had a nightmare don't you??"

After pressing the right button in an instant, you looked up and saw his face filled with vulnerability. Katsuki stared at your orbs for awhile, then used his hands to cup your cheeks.

"it has been three days since i have been dreaming of you dying.." He mumbled while running his fingers through your soft hair.

You can feel that he is getting sadder while telling the incident, and you find it really serious knowing Bakugo doesn't take things seriously,,, except when he has to fight Shoto and Deku.

"Baby.. You know that will never happen right??" You spoke softly, looking at him full of love and assurance. He nod and slowly reaches for your plump lips to give you a kiss.

you gladly kissed back, everything was still a big mess to him and being there by his side is the best thing you can do for him.

Katsuki is the most precious and fluffiest person you've known for how many years now. He might seem rude and straightforward, but he is someone gentle and kind after knowing him long enough.

He let out a soft chuckle then pat your head.

"You really know how to calm me down hmmm"

"Ofcourse. If it is you, i do know how to" You answered, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He stared at the ceiling with his arms around you and sighed.

"I fucking can't sleep now.. what to do"

"Drink some fucking milk mister"

He grabbed your breast and stared at you "I have it here" a smirk was plastered on his face, leaning on your face closer. A red hue crept on your face as you gulped hardly.

"W-we s-should sleep, K-Katsuki" You turned to your opposite direction and hugged your body pillow.

He grabbed your wrists and pinned them down to the mattress with his one hand. With his free hand, he used his fingers to trace your stomach, doing circling motions until it reaches to your neck.

"Oh I won't let you sleep just like that"

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