#1 embarrasing moments with @creaturesanonymouse

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*@creaturesanonymouse will be abbreviated as @ca for when she is talking*

i walked around in nothing but my boxers and a pair of socks, not caring that my mom had friends over. Im a guy, i can do that. I had invited @ca over to help "watch" my little sister, she was already asleep though. i was bored and just wanted some company. the doorbell went off about 5 minutes later, and the chatter in the other room quieted down.

"I GOT IT MOM" i yelled running to the front door. i smiled down at the 5'6 brown hair, brown eyed girl. with me being 5'10 i was a whole 0'4 inches taller than her, it stilled seemed like i towered over her since she slouches most of the time.

"care to put some cloths on?" she said squeezing between me and the door frame. she climbed the stairs and headed to my room, while i prayed i didn't leave anything embarrassing out in my room. she jumped on my bed and sighed very loudly.

"so wheres your sister?" she said staring at  the ceiling. her form was so tiny compared to my king size bed.

"asleep" i said leaning against my door frame watching her. her head shot up and she held a stern look on her face, i knew what she was going to say next.

and 5...





"then why am i here?" she said standing up. I knew it. but i had this all planed out.

" i have sugar" i simply said, she sat down on the ground, criss cross apple style. she'd do any thing for sugar, well, almost anything.

"speak master" she said, her eyes shined with humor. i had the perfect plan, but i needed her help.

"so the other day my mother decided to take away my all time favorite video game, and i need your help, with your stealth, speed, and quickness. your the perfect one for this job." i said trying to sound like a drill Sargent.

"YES SIR" she said giving me a small salute. i grabbed a big box and tossed it over her head, our house was filled with them lying around sense we were still unpacking from our move here. the box covered her completely, and i could hear her giggles from beneath.

"the game is located under her seat, the one in which she sits it this very moment, Go and get em, and if you success, the 6 pound gummy bear is yours." i said smiling. she peeked out from beneath the box, her eyes wide with excitement.

"fo reals!" she said in an ascent i couldn't describe. i nodded and handed her a walkie talkie. she headed out on the room under the box. i walked out right as she hit the stairs. the box tumbled down and light squeals came from the box. the box landed the same way it was.

~psh @CA you alright?~ i said through the wakie talkie.

~psh you didnt see that~ she said, i fought back laughter as the box continued to inch towards the living room

~psh see what?~ i said in a teasing voice she didn't answer and the other room grew silent. i tiptoed down to the kitchen to try and hear thing better, when i spotted a certain box.

"what are you doing" i whisper yelled, she was standing in the box reaching, on her tip toes, trying to get something out of the cubored, her one leg on the counter and the other on the box. im guessing she wasn't expecting me to be there as she slipped and tumbled down into the box, her eyes were wide with shock as she mouthed 'nothing' and  inched away back in the box. she reminded me of a 5 year old little girl on a sugar rush, all the time.

~psh retreat retreat mission complete~ she said, i ran up the stairs taking them two at a time. i stopped when i heard a thunk at the bottom of the stairs. the moving box was running into walls and two huskies were trying their best to figure out what it was.

~ psh out of the box, run now~ i said trying not to laugh.i belly flopped on my bed and waited, after a few minutes i got impatient i went to see what was taking so long. looking down i found @ca attempting to army crawl up the stairs, her eyes widened when she saw me and she started crawling. she was failing miserably, she was tripping, missing stares and trying to tug the box with her.

"you could have left the box" i said when she finally made it up the stares, she chucked the game at me, she missed of course.

"i wanted to keep the box, sugar...now" she said sitting in the box. i tossed her the 6 pound gummy bear and she folded into her box, it closed completely and she was giggling evilly. god what have i created. i knocked on the box and she fell silent.

"@CA?" i asked. she didn't respond for a moment.

" yes" she answered from inside. i opened the box to find he with the gummy bear half eaten with no head.

"damn girl i gave you that like three minutes ago" i said impressed, this girl could eat an entire cake in less than 10 minutes. she just nodded and continued to chew away at   the bear. i tossed her a controller and we played halo for a bit. she got so into it she was on her knees  leaning forward and i swear she looked like she was going to kill some one. she was shooting in circles and leaning forward so much the box tipped over and she fell. i laughed so much that she punched me in the shoulder. after about an hour of playing video games she left. that girl is a maniact she finished the gummy bear in about 15 minutes, how shes still under 115 pounds is a mystery.

~~~~hope you enjoyed an embarrasing moment with @creaturesanonymouse

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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