10| Will You Marry Me?

Start from the beginning


"Then she proposed," Cheryl explained to Renesme and Emily.

Both girls squealed, " we're invited to the wedding?!" Emily asked.

"Yep! We'll get the doctors to get you over to the castle." Cheryl smiled.

They squealed again, " we're going to a princess's wedding!" Emily smiled.

"That's right." Toni laughed.


"So, How did the proposal go, Toni?" Betty asked.

Toni met up with Betty and Veronica after she dropped Cheryl off for her Royal studies.

Toni figured out she didn't need it, after all, so Penelope just took her out of it.

"The best. She said yes!" Toni smiled.

Little did they know there were paparazzi watching them.

"That's amazing, T. I'm so happy for you." Betty smiled genuinely.

"Thanks, guys. It means so much to me." Toni smiled, kissing both girl's cheeks.


"It's no problem T. We're invited right?" Veronica asked.

"Of course, I had the king and queen put you on the guestlist!" Toni said excitedly.

Veronica and Betty smiled excitedly.

"I missed you guys! Sorry for not hanging out recently. I've just been busy." Toni said, grabbing Veronica and Betty's hands.


"It's fine, Toni. We understand." Betty smiled, squeezing Toni's hand.


Toni looked at her watch, "shit! I gotta get back to the castle, I promised Cheryl that ill help her hand out a gift bags for the little kids that are coming over today." Toni said, grabbing her coffee.

"It's fine! Just text us the date." Veronica stood up. She kissed Toni's cheek.


Betty did the same, kissing her cheek, giving her a hug.




The camera shuttered.

Toni walked out of the cafe.


"Toni, I would like to see you!" Clifford said.

Before Toni could walk over to the king, Cheryl stormed out of the study with an angry expression.

"I trusted you! Gush how could I be so stupid!" Cheryl said angrily at Toni.

Toni was shocked, she didn't know what was going on.

"What? What are you talking about?" Toni asked, looking in between the king and princess.

"This!" Cheryl shows Toni her phone.

It was a picture of Toni kissing Veronica's cheek and others of her interactions with her best friends. Which the caption; 'Topaz cheats on Princess Blossom. Not surprised at all.'

"Oh that-" Toni was about to explain, but a slap to the face stopped her. Cheryl slapped her.

Toni held her red cheek, "What was that for?!" Toni asked.

"For cheating!" Cheryl yelled.

"I didn't cheat on you!" Toni retorted, rubbing her cheek.

"Yes! Then you had the audacity to have two on the side!" Cheryl yelled.

"That's enough! Cheryl let Toni explain herself!" Clifford piped in.

Cheryl huffed, wiping tears from her eyes. She doesn't even know why she was crying, it's not like she loved Toni... Right?

Toni sighed, looking at Cheryl, "Those girls are my childhood Bestfriends, Veronica and Betty. They go together, they have a son together. I'm just their best friend." Toni explained to Cheryl.

Clifford sighed of relief, "I knew you wouldn't cheat. I'll leave you two, I have some people to lecture about causing such distress." He said, walking away peacefully.

Toni turned back to the broken girl, Toni huffed, touching her now bruised cheek.

Cheryl looked up at Toni, eyes red from crying.

"Are you okay?" Toni asked, even though she was the one that got slapped, Cheryl looked as if someone physically hurt her.

"I-I'm sorry, Toni. I-I I don't know W-what came over me. I-I-" Cheryl apologized, Toni cut her off.

"Shh, it's okay, Cher. It was just a misunderstanding." Toni soothed, hugging Cheryl.

Cheryl melted in Toni's embrace, crying into Toni's shoulder, mumbling "I'm sorry." Over and over.

Toni walked her upstairs to the bedroom, laying them down.

After about 5 minutes of Toni shhing Cheryl, her cries stopped.

Toni looked down at Cheryl, who was now sleeping. Toni smiled softly at her fianceé.

She sighed deciding to take a nap too. Clifford went to check on them, smiling when he saw the sight.

He canceled the kids met and greet for tomorrow.

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