The Professor's expression slackened and there was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere of the room. There was a giggle from down the front and a few Ooooh's sprinkled throughout the room as Tzuyu tried to keep her expression neutral while in the meantime, her heart was threatening to beat so fast she died of exhaustion.

Professor Im opened and closed her mouth several times, her own face turning a shade of pink. She was completely and utterly speechless... that is until her eyebrows plunged, and her teeth clenched.

"See me after class."

A laugh that was unmistakably Sana's echoed around the theatre and throughout Tzuyu's head. This couldn't be happening. She couldn't have just done what she thought she had. What an idiot.

The rest of the lecture was more of a blur in her mind than normal, her nerves building as the minutes ticked by. And by the end of the lecture, she was almost in tears again. How the hell was she supposed to face Professor Im and apologise for the horrifically rude things she had just said? How was she supposed to justify anything?

When the lecture was over, her eyes locked with the professor's once again.

"Good luck, Chewy." Sana called in a sing song way from across the room once again, causing laughter and chatter as the rest of the students filed out like a stream of ants from their home. "Try not to stutter while talking to the Professor okay?"

Tzuyu gritted her teeth at the comment, packing her things in her bag and making her way down the aisle to the front of the room where Professor Im was waiting.

Once everyone was out of the room, the professor cleared her throat, a signal from Tzuyu to look up from her feet and face her.

"Miss Chou Tzuyu?" She asked, bunching her lips to the side of her face.

"You know my name?" It was a little strange for her to know who Tzuyu was out of her 200 students in this lecture, let alone the many other classes she most likely held.

"Of course, I know your name." She sounded annoyed; her words seemingly forced out of her mouth as she spoke. "I hear it a lot from Miss Minatozaki."

Tzuyu felt a stab of anger hit her. This implied that she knew about Sana's bullying. She had known this whole time about Sana's stupid words (that really hurt) and hadn't said anything or offered some help? What the hell?

"You know about the stuff Sana says about me?" Tzuyu's tone took a turn.

"That's not why I called you to stay after class." Professor Im completely ignored Tzuyu's question and moved on, folding the laptop she had propped up on the lectern and zipping it back up into a laptop bag.

What the fuck?

"Why did you say it?" She asked, continuing to pack her things, not looking at Tzuyu as she did so.

Tzuyu was mad. Super mad. She had always been told that the Professors and staff were supposed to be here to help and the fact that Im had known about Sana's behaviour since day one and had ignored it over and over again pissed her the FUCK off. So, she gave her what she deserved once again.

"I said it because it's fucking true. Your classes are boring. Everyone knows it." Her heart was beating a hundred miles an hour again, but this time it wasn't from nerves. She hated Professor Im and her classes and her monotone voice and her dumb idiot eyes for not seeing what was right in front of them.

"How..." She clenched a book she was holding in her hands a little too hard, scrunching the cover while her mouth flapped like a fish out of water. "How dare you use that kind of language with me."

Tzuyu just chuckled.

"You use way more expression talking like this. Why can't you learn a bit and take it to the lectern next time. Then maybe less people will fall asleep."

Her eyes widened and Tzuyu could have sworn that she saw her eye twitch.

"I'm not... I refuse to be talked to like this!" She breathed deeply through her nose a few times while Tzuyu struggled to hold back her cynical laughter.

"If you don't want to be talked to like this, don't suck at presenting."

"You should have some respect!" She looked absolutely mortified and it was making Tzuyu happier than she had ever been before. Making someone feel like Sana had been making her feel since day one. It was cathartic.

"You gain my respect when you learn how to teach and keep your class awake. Now if you'll excuse me."

Tzuyu stormed out of the room, ignoring further protests from her professor and revelling in the glee that her strained voice and the vision of her furrowed brows brought her. She guessed this is what Sana felt like.

It all made sense.

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