"What do you mean?" He asks. I lean forward to whisper in his ear. "I mean, if you want to be a builder then you're going to have to impress Gally. Therefore giving me a piggyback isn't a preferable option." I whisper, pulling back so that the Greenie could choose. He nods his head and motions for me to wrap an arm around his neck, which I do, and he lifts me off my feet with ease. "They're just there." Gally points out, and the Greenie breaks into a jog.

He carries me there and back with ease, the heat surrounding us making him sweat a little bit but by now I'm used to it.

"I see what he means, Dani. You really don't weigh anything." The Greenie says with a chuckle, somewhat making Gally smile. "See. I'm not the only one who thinks it." Gally says as the Greenie places me back on the floor.

"Ok, whatever." I chuckle, sassily rolling my eyes. "Am I done here?" I ask, feeling a little bored. Gally throws me a look over his shoulder and slowly nods his head. "Uh... Yeah. Tell Newt I said to annoy you a little extra today." Gally says, somewhat disappointed. I laugh and shake my head. "Later Gally. Bye Greenie."


Before going to the fields, Jeff and Clint called me into the Med-Jack hut to assess what they were doing. Winston happened to get bitten by some of the livestock we have, and they weren't entirely sure how to take the situation. Whether it was a big thing or not. Turns out, it wasn't as fatal as they were thinking it was. It was merely a small bite that needed dressing. And when I was done there, I went across the field to where the gardening fields were, spotting Zart by one of the edges.

My feet beeline for him, and once I reach him he looks up with a smile. "Hey. Is New-" I start, but don't need to finish as he was already answering me. "He's over there." He says, pointing to the field to the left of us. And, as I follow his finger I spot Newt gardening on the edge of his plantation.

"Thanks, Zart." I respond, giving him a kind smile before patting his shoulder gently and moving past him to take the spare wheelbarrow they always have. I might as well make myself useful while I'm here.

I practically run down to where Newt was working, skidding to a stop once I reach him.

"Hey, love." Newt greets, not having to look up to know it was me. "Hey." I reply, sitting a little across from him and reaching forward to start pulling the mature vegetables from the ground and toss them into the spare wheelbarrow.

"What's the new Greenie like? What's your bets?" He asks, joining me in tossing the vegetables into my wheelbarrow. "He's sweet, and funny too. I can already tell he'll get along with us with ease." I respond, going to continue before I get a weird look from Newt.

"What?" I ask, smiling at him. "He's sweet? What do you mean?" He asks, turning back to the vegetables in front of him.

"I mean he knows not to question things and is good at throwing a bit of banter. Why? You jealous, Newtie?" I tease, knowing I probably shouldn't be annoying Newt while he was working, but then again that was what our whole friendship was based on.

Newt looks at me and starts laughing. "You think I'm scared that he'll steal my best friend? Nah, I'll let him deal with you. You can be quite a handful. I'd give him 2 days of having you annoy him and he'd hand you straight back." Newt replies, as deadpan as he can.

I let my bottom jaw hang open wide as I let out a fake laugh. "Ow! I'm so hurt!" I say sarcastically, putting my hand over my chest. "You should be Dani, you're the hardest to control of all the shanks here." Newt continues, a cheeky grin breaking through his serious expression. I fake being even more hurt and think of what I can do to get him back. Only seeing the vegetables and the-

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