"Who do you think I will be?" He asks, finally looking into my eyes for more than a glance. I press my lips together in thought and scan over his body once more, coming back to his eyes to answer. "Well, for starters I think that you will be either a builder or possibly even a med-jack. Though you aren't bulky I think you have a lot of secret strength to you, which in all fairness would be good for being a runner too, but Minho is tricky to impress. Not that I don't think you could do it, I'm just not sure you have the stamina to full on sprint half this field." I start, rambling a little to not hurt the Greenie's feelings.

"What else?" The boy chuckles, finding my flustered rambling amusing. "I think that when you remember your name, it will be something unique. Not rare, but also not something you'd hear in everyday life. Something that makes you want to know more about them, and in this case you. And finally, I think you'll definitively turn the heads of some of the gay boys here."

"What about your eyes?" He asks, his voice low. I'm caught off guard by his question, taking a gulp as I try and figure out a way to answer him. I mean, he's very easy on the eye and so far seems to be a little like me on the personality scale. Somewhat sassy and easy to talk to, and most certainly easy to have a laugh with.

Before I can even comprehend an answer for him, he places a hand on my shoulder and chuckles deeply. "I'm kidding."

"I'm pretty sure you've got enough boys chasing after you. And god forbid I wouldn't want your boyfriend on my ass day 1." He adds, making me laugh once more. "And what makes you think I have a boyfriend? Who do you think I'm with?" I laugh. "The blonde one with Alby. The one that called you love." The Greenie answers, looking away.

"You mean Newt?" I ask, in a little disbelief noticing him nod his head. "No, he's my best friend. The one I'm closest with in here. He just sees me as his little sister, as do Gally and Minho." I answer. "That's what you think he thinks though. What do you think of him Dani?" The Greenie asks.

Unsure of how truthful I can be with this newbie, I turn the subject around. "Aren't I supposed to be the one asking you questions Greenie? Or if you are going to be asking me questions, shouldn't they be logical ones about The Glade?" "Ok then. What's up with the maze? You said earlier I couldn't go in it. Why?"

Of course he has to ask that question. Of everything he could have asked me...

"I'm not sure I'm the right person to tell you that..." I sigh, placing my head in my hands. "I still deserve an explanation as to why not though. Regardless of whether you should be the one to tell me, why can't I go in there?" The Greenie pushes, making me snap.

"You just can't! OK?!" I shout, turning to look at him in annoyance. "You just can't! If you don't like that answer then go ask Alby, or Newt or even Minho. Ask any of the leaders. Not me."

The Greenie drops his head and goes quiet, knowing that he probably shouldn't have pushed for an answer. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed..." He finally says, and I'm quick to see where I went wrong. I shouldn't have blown my lid so unexpectedly...

"It's ok. Just listen to me when I say don't go in there. Alby will tell you all that you need to know about it soon enough." I return, looking across the field. "Ah, there's Chuck." I finish, seeing the young boy walking towards the lookout tower.

"Dani!" Chuck calls from the base, waving to me while he drops some of the bedding on the floor. "Hey, Chuck! We're coming down." I wave back, moving away from the edge to the hatch.


"Chuck, meet our Greenie. Greenie, this is Chuck." I introduce the two boys to one another, them both giving the other an awkward wave and curt nod.

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