He blames this on me. He thinks this is all my fault.

Madara's POV
Strike him down Obito. He will only betray you like Hashirama did me.
"I- I really care about you Madara"
"Hn Just admit you love me" I say elbowing him as he turns very red "That's not funny! Why are you smiling!" He huffs "Do you only smile at my mortification!?"
"What can I say? It's cute" I say and lift up his chin, ha. I'm taller than him.

"Admit you love me"
"No" he averts his eyes "Hashirama..." I say and clench his chin a bit tighter so he's forced to look at me again "Ow!" He pouts "Fine, don't love me" I say scoffing and let go of his chin, I turn away waving lazily "See you tomorrow"

"Wait-" But I'm already gone.

"I had hoped you were more-"
"I'm sorry"
"How could you kill those people- Madara look at me!" I look up at him, he's the taller one now, he looks heartbroken I immeadatly regret looking at him "I'm sorry- I won't- I wont do anything like that again"

'Tch why out of everyone, why do I have to love you?" He sighs, and turns away "What?" I say and he just chuckles weakly.

"You're my best friend of course I Love you" ...Just a friend huh? I nod slightly "yeah" I whisper "you're my best friend too"

And than the worst day of my life

"I had hoped...you were more old friend" Hashirama had stated eyes tired mouth frowning, he was on his knees panting, we had fought and I was sure I had won "I'm not. My Goals are the same you can't change my mind"

"Than kill me, or can't you?" He has a defiant note in his voice.

He sounds so strong and confident, confident that I won't kill him.

He was right.

I hesitated and that was the worst mistake of my life, Hashirama used my weakness of him against me, he struck, and he gained the upper hand, he jumped around me, towards my back, years of sparring together we knew each others weak spots.

I had taken a sword for him, in the back, I had saved him, jumped in front of him, ever since than I was a little slower, more weak on the left side of my back.

I took that sword for you Hashirama.

And in return you put another.

Another sword, you charged all grace and furious speed, taking advantage of my love for you, a love you never retaliated, you found another weakness, a weakness that led to my already weak heart, my heart that was weak for you, and you thrust your sword through it.

And I cracked. You cried. I remember you cried. But you also smiled. You smiled while I lay dying.

Strike him down Obito.

Don't let him use your love of him against you. Like me, don't let him. Because it hurts. And no one deserves that pain.

"It's not- that's not true, I haven't given up"
"Oh?" Snarled Kakashi back as Obito clenches the gunbai, my gunbai "You promised you'd stay how do I even know you're telling the truth if all you've done is lie to me- I also heard you killed Rin for a mission not because she jumped in front of you!"

I'm sorry Young Hatake.

"Wha-" and just like that Obito is angry again, he charges, and the two men engage, Kakashi jumps up out of the way and raises his headband, Sharingan that was not rightfully his- Obito blocks Kakashi's kunai's with the Gunbai they fall harmlessly away, and he sweeps it at kakashi,

He barely dodges. I see Kakashi's eyes Narrow "CHIDORI!" If Obito wasn't mad before now he was. "How can you use that Justu ever agin after what you've done with it! After you killed Rin with it!!" He screams voice cracking slightly.

"Fine" spits Kakashi and the lightening fades and disappears, he's panting slightly, he throws more Kunai all which Obito blocks a easily, he uses earth jutsu's and Obito attempts to set him on fire.

I snarl in disgust as I watch them, "You killed Rin, you lied to me, you broke your promises, I can never trust you, you are worst than scum"

He strikes Kakashi down. He falls, they are in the air and as he hits Kakashi with my powerful Gunbai he falls from the Hokage heads, into air that won't catch him, his hair whips across his face. His eyes are wide, his hands outstretched, trying to grab air, anything.

As he comes crashing down.

He hits the ground hard, rubble crashes around him as he creates a crater in the ground, he's wheezing, blood leaks from his mouth and covered in dust, Obito runs down to him and pins him to the ground, a kunai to his throat.

Do it.

Do it.

"I had hoped...you were more old friend" Hashirama had stated eyes tired mouth frowning

" I had hoped...this wouldn't happen old friend" Kakashi states eyes tired mouth leaking blood.

"I'm not. My Goals are the same you can't change my mind"

" My goals are the same, you can't change my mind" Obito snarled back

"Than kill me, or can't you?" He has a defiant note in his voice.

"Than kill me, or can't you?" His voice is soft and I can't breath. It's like time is overlapping, its like everything is cycling, its a cycle, its like I'm staring at the past and the future all at once. Don't do it Obito don't hesitate, kill him!

Don't make the same mistake I did.

But he hesitates. His hand tremors, he closes his eyes blinks away tears. He hesitates.

Thanks for reading!!! 💚💚💚💚
Vote, read, COMMENT!? Love ya'll also I got 1K veiws so I'm so happy!!
Don't own Naruto or pic
Cya peeps
Also 1706 words the longest chapter I've ever written!!!

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