Chapter 10: Secrets Unfolded Part 04.

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Natalie felt the pain in her stomach again, seeing as the worm inside her already took a bite at her left lung. "It's already dining on her lungs," Emit said. "We haven't got much time before it will kill her."

"Natalie, take off your vest," Vito said. "What?" Natalie said in a scared tone. "Just do what I say," Vito explained. Natalie took off her vest, and laid it behind her. "Now I'm just going to open the bottom of your shirt," Vito explained. "We'll get the thing inside your body out. Doc, ready with the tube." "I'm on it," Emit said, and placed the end of the tube inside Natalie's belly button. "Alright, now I just need to switch the device on, and change the setting to suck," Emit said.

Mark snickered at that word. "Ignore him, he finds anything sexual hilarious," Vito explained. After Emit switched the machine's settings, Natalie started feeling the pain from inside the tube that caused her to scream in loud agony. Finally after a couple of seconds, the worm creature came out of Natalie through the extended tube.

The worm creature then got into the bag part of the device after making it's way through the tube. "We better go dispose of this," Emit said. "Miranda, take us to a gas station. I'm going to dump this thing in the toilet." The van driver nodded, and drove out of the street where they picked up Natalie. "Damn, it was almost like dissecting a frog from our surgery class," Mark commented. "It is nothing like dissecting a frog," Emit explained. "Vito's ex almost died because of this worm."

Natalie passed out from the pain in her stomach, while they were talking. "I still don't see how a tiny worm like thing can kill a human on the inside a body," Mark said. "Unlike regular worms, these worms can devour the organs once they have entered through the stomachs," Emit explained. "Vito's ex is just lucky to be alive." "Uh judging by the face she's making, she looks like she died before we could save her," Mark said. "Man, Morpheus is not going to like this." "We better get her to Morpheus, after we get rid of the worm," Vito said, and felt Natalie's heart noticing that it was still beating. Finally as the van driver stopped driving, the group found themselves at a gas station where they could get rid of the worm through the bathroom.

"I'll go dispose of the worm," Emit explained, and got out of the van, after pulling the bag off of the machine. "I'll be back in the van, after it's gone." Emit got out of the van, and went inside the gas station to get rid of the worm in a bag. Miranda got into the group, and took Emit's place. "Mark, it's your turn to drive," Miranda said. "Alright, just a minute," Mark explained, and went into the drivers seat. "Don't drive until the doc gets back," Vito explained. "Is this really the girl Morpheus wanted us to bring to him?" Miranda asked. "Morpheus speaks the truth," Vito answered. "We need her no matter what."


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