WHAT AND the Dream

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"Nali dear!" exclaimed Yanira "yuck! what do you need?" sneered the twins, making the flight attendant pinch both of their cheeks "Ow!" the two yelled in unison

"It's been so long since I've seen you guys!" Yanira said, gritting her teeth "Yo slut, go abuse someone else's kids" snapped Gray, making Yanira walk towards the stripper and scowl at him "Hm" said Gray amused, also smirking

"What are you doing here?" asked Natsu, a bit uneasy so he held Lucy's hand tightly, making the blonde look at him worried; Yanira saw the two holding hands

"I'm just doing my job- keeping every passenger safe" she pulled off a fake smile "Hello miss! Are you Natsu's lucky gal?" asked Yanira, making Lucy nod in response, getting nervous "Don't worry- I don't bite" she chuckled and started to walk away, but stopped in front of the velvet curtains

"I was glad to see you again Natsu-kun.." she walked away, making Lucy turn Natsu's head to face her and brushed her lips against his.

" what was that all about?" asked Gajeel "she seemed like she was gonna rip out bunny-girls vagina"

"Gajeel! don't say that! Lucy's vagina will not be even be touched!" scolded Levy

"Hey! No one is gonna touch Lucy's vagina except me- and I mean no one!" snapped Natsu

"Shut up flame- brain! I got to her vagina before you!" snickered Gray

"Stop talking about my fucking vagina!" shrieked the blonde, crossing her legs and putting her arms across her huge chest, making Natsu pleading for forgiveness. "..Shut the hell up, god dammit!" yelled Erza, making the whole plane go quiet for about a full minute, then resumed whatever they were doing.

"you guys shouldn't mess with a pregnant woman" Jellal advised "why are you guys even talking about a lady's part?"

"Who started this unacceptable conversation?" said Erza, making Lucy shrink in her seat and the 3 point at Gajeel, making the red- headed demon get up slowly and stomp her way towards Gajeel and Levy. "Levy, move immediately and sit next by Jellal for a few minutes" demanded Erza, keeping her cool; The little blunette nodded her head and scurried towards the navy haired man.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doin'? tellin' my girl to move?!" hissed Gajeel, making Erza slap her hand onto Gajeel's right and rip off the motion sickness patch, making the man with many piercings feel light- headed.

"Er-mm-... za" groaned Gajeel "I've made my opponent weak. Now I shall make him suffer.." said Erza before upper-cutting him square on the jaw and punch him multiple times. Gray, Natsu, and Jellal had to get the pregnant psycho off of Gajeel before a real fight would've broken out, making Erza go full demon mode and Gajeel go kickin' ass mode.

"I bet Erza!" yelled Gray and Natsu "Yes, my wife would be able to beat him to a pulp" Jellal said, kissing his wife's crimson cheeks.

"You guys should lower your voices, the rest of the girls are asleep" said Erza, smiling at the sight of the sleeping gals.

"you should get some sleep too.." replied Jellal "well I have to watch you guys before something terrible happens" answered Erza "we'll be fine Scarlet, just get some rest.." whispered Jellal

"Did you just call me "Scarlet"?" asked Erza "Yeah, I thought I should start calling you that again"

"..Just like in high school" Erza smiled and rested her head on her husbands shoulder, dozing off

~ 3 hours later~

"..y..ey..HEY!" yelled a lady "Luce.. why are you yelling..?" mumbled Natsu, scratching his pink head "Because baby, I love you with all my heart" answered the woman, and Natsu knew that wasn't Lucy's voice, but a voice that was too familiar; The pink haired male quickly open his eyes, seeing a lady with hazel brown hair that went right above her bottom, and with lime green eyes. Red plump lips were smirking with brown skinny brows looked as if they were questioning. Her eye shadow was sparkly lavender, and she had top liner and mascara, making her eyelashes very long and beautiful.

"Hey virginity stealer.." whispered Yanira, making Natsu jump out of his seat "G-get th-the hell away from me!" shrieked Natsu

"Oh come on! Scared that you'll fall for me again? I'll just break the news to your old bitch" said Yanira, reaching forward to wake the sleeping blonde, but Natsu caught her arm

"Don't you dare." snapped Natsu, making Yanira pet Natsu

"Don't be like that dear"

"you're crazy."

"You never did break up with me. You said we should part for a while, and it's been a while" said Yanira, making Natsu go wide eyed realizing that he did say that indeed. He was practically cheating on Lucy and he kinda did belong to Yanira now. "So you did forget?" asked Yanira innocently

Natsu nodded slowly and cleared his throat "Yanira I'm so-" Yanira captured his lips, but Natsu forcefully pushed away, but Yanira pulled Natsu by his collar into the bathroom and locked it

"Yanira!" shouted Natsu, but Yanira started to undress herself, making Natsu beat red. She finally stripped the last piece of clothing from her skin, making Natsu's penis twitch a bit from the sight of Yanira naked

"I know you like it Natsu" Yanira winked and started to give him a lap dance, then she pulled his shirt and pants off, revealing red boxers

"hehe.." Yanira could see that Natsu clearly had a boner, so she decided to continue, but the pink headed idiot tried prying the horny brunette off of him

"yanira get off! I'm taken by Lucy" Natsu tried to hold in the urge of fucking his ex. "you asked for it Dragneel.." said Yanira, smirking, then she pulled down his red boxers quickly and slip it into her, bouncing up and down in a rhythmic beat. Natsu finally gave in to his ex, holding on her waist, enjoying this moment

"Don't worry, I won't tell your blondie" reassured Yanira, moaning and pulling on Natsu's pink locks, when suddenly the bathroom door creaked open

"N..natsu what are you doi-" started a sleepy Lucy, rubbing her eyes, then when she saw the scene she was in complete shock. Tears trailing down her pale face, making stains on her cheeks. She quickly ran out, leaving Natsu heartbroken, seeing his favorite blondie run away from him. Well it's pretty obvious that she'd do that because she was ruining Natsu and Yanira's 'moment'.

"ah! I'm almost there Natsu!" yelled Yanira, but Natsu pushed the slutty flight attendant off and pulled on his clothes, running after his girl.

"G-gray.. I th-thought he l-loved m-me.." whimpered Lucy, holding onto Gray tightly. Gray had his arms around Lucy while her head was resting on his shoulder

"He doesn't know what he's missing out on.." replied Gray "Would you like to be my girl again Lucy?" asked Gray, making Lucy look up at her ex then nod slightly. The two were inching closer and closer, closing up the space between them then suddenly..

"Ah!" yelled Natsu, looking at his surroundings, seeing the whole gang look at him either worriedly or crazily. "Natsu, are you okay?" asked Lucy, putting her soft hand onto Natsu's sweaty forehead

"j-just a bad dream.." admitted Natsu "I have to do one thing before I go back to sleep" said Natsu, standing up

"Just don't make so much fucking noise when we're trying to relax" snapped Erza " we agree" said the twins in unison; natsu rolled his eyes and stopping next by Gray

"What the hell you lookin' at fire- butt?" asked Gray, but his answer was a punch in the face "What the fuck?!" yelled Gray

"Don't do mess with my things- especially my girls" scolded Natsu, walking away, making Gray give him a look of confusion and others gawking.

"goodnight!" cheered Natsu, before resting his head on his girlfriends shoulder, falling asleep from the strokes that Lucy did on Natsu's head, caressing his hair, and fiddling with it a bit before dozing off along with her lover.

Did I scare you guys with that whole sex scene? haha! XD I felt like strangling myself for making that scene, but that was because what I had in my head didn't go as well as I thought. If you guys are wondering if there is any Gruvia, There is- don't worry. You guys that have been asking where Mira went, well it's kind- of a surprise for the next chapter..(: Hopefully I don't forget.. hehe.. please remind me about the motherly match- maker. That would be amazing! haha arigatou minna! Review! Like/ follow me

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