
69 14 11

Sometime in the early 19th century

There I lay somewhere in the middle of the woods, with my corset loose and my bonnet flung to the side.

I loosened my hair and let it be, as free as it wants to. My shoes tossed away and the cool breeze tickles my feet.

This was the heart of the forest, here the birds chirped melodiously, squirrels scurried away with whatever leftovers they had managed to scavenge and the bees, I chuckled to myself are as busy as usual either pollinating some plants or doing some "bee" activity.

This place was where I could get to understand the world and even myself. I found a little joy in solitude unlike other children my age, who enjoyed knitting, sewing, baking and the likes.

I for one enjoyed exploring and also cloud watching, it had come to a point that I could tell the time by watching the clouds and their positions with the sun and then it hit me, I was getting late for dinner.

The clock in the middle of town had echoed a bit, that another hour had begun and well, I Valerie Emma Vallant, was going to be in a lot of trouble.

I quickly tightened my corset, wore my shoes and covered my hair in my bonnet and off I was into town.

My house was a bit far off from where most people lived making my journey a long one, I practically ran as though I was a young man who would do anything to marry the princess.

I could finally sight my house, after series "sorry ma'am's" and waves I was finally home.

I snuck in through the back door and picked up my basket of vegetables, that I had hidden by the bushes just so I could use to cover up my disappearance. I knew it was wrong to lie but it was a win win situation whereas my mom gets free vegetables and I got to enjoy myself in the forest.

The thought of the forest pretty much sent some sparks up my spine, I was in love with that place.

"Mother, Mrs Spur gave me this for assisting her in her garden!" I said as I shut the door behind me, now that wasn't a lie for I had helped Mrs Spur.

I noticed my mother wasn't in the kitchen neither was she at the dinner table and seemingly, my siblings weren't either, I decided to check the study and then I saw the door open which it never is, so out of curiosity I decided to eavesdrop since I was hearing about three voices, which I could decipher two, one which belonged to my father, one of my mother and the other belonged to a woman.

"Valerie, come in... You are aware it is quite unladylike to eavesdrop," I heard the strange woman say, I decided to pretend as though I wasn't there but then I heard footsteps which made me try to back away when I saw the woman come out of the study with a broad smile on her face.

"Valerie Emma Vallant, it is a pleasure to finally meet you," she said to me smiling even broader and all that ran through my mind was who was this woman and why did it seem I was of importance to her?


This novella is based on the prompts 35&36 of the open novella contest.

Do enjoy.


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