A surprise

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I just love that scene so much 😂
Bakugo's PoV
3 months later
Ochako pokes me, "babe. Baby. Honey. Hero."
I grumble, "what is it?"
"Today's the day~~~!"
I excitedly jump out of bed and throw on some clothes. She giggles and I let out a sigh of infatuation...
"I love you..."
"I love you too, now come on-" she freezes when I back hug her.

She giggles

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She giggles. I kiss her cheek.
"Ahaha, stop, d-don't tickle me please! Ah! Katsuki," she gasps for air once I stop and glares at me mischievously...
I smirk, expecting a kiss as she walks up to me.
Instead? She flattens my hair!
I look in the mirror and gasp.
"How could you!"
She giggles and we head to the kitchen for breakfast.
"Tea honey?" She asks.
I fix my hair and reply,"Yes please."

Once she made us tea, we sit at the aga, hands intertwined on the table.
"Are we gonna need to look for a new house?"
"Nah, with one kid we have plenty of space here..." she says as I rub her hand with my thumb. I nod. We stare lovingly into eachother's eyes and I shyly say, "I can't wait..."
She softly speaks, "me neither..."

A few hours later...
"You're having twins."
"WHAT?!" I boom.
Ochako pats me on the arm as I stand up angrily.
"Katsuki, calm down, please!"
"But we can't be having twins, are you sure?"
"Yes, I am..."
Ochako takes my hand as I sit down, overwhelmed.
"I, wow..."
Ochako gulps, "umm, I'm nervous too Katsuki, but, together we can do it!"
I see the passion through her eyes and I take a deep breath. Nodding, I say, "ok...ok..."
She giggles and nods, "awesome! Doctor, can we have an envelope with the genders in it. We want to have a gender reveal so we don't want to know now..."
"Ok," the doctor nods.

We leave the hospital, hand in hand and are bombarded with press.
"Ground Zero, Uravity! Can we ask why you're at the hospital? Are one of you sick?"
"Ground Zero, Uravity, over here!"
Startled, Uraraka takes my hand and floats us.
"P-please give us some space!" She exclaims.
I nervously watch her anxiously watch the press leave, with the help of the hospital guards.
"Angel Face?"
"...I'm fine..."
"Are you?"
"Yes!" She exclaims aggressively.
Holding her close to me, I double check, "are you sure?"
"Yes......no..." she starts to tremble and then cries in my arms, releasing us.
"Ow!" I exclaim.
She gasps, "oh-oh no! I'm sorry..."
"It's ok Ochako...don't worry...let's get home and take a rest, hmm?"
"B-but, I am scared. I am so so so so so scared of having twins...it's twice the amount of effort!"
"It's ok Ochako. We can do it. Let's talk with Todoroki and Deku tomorrow. We can ask them what it's like to be parents..."
I know what you're thinking. HOW CAN THEY BE PARENTS?!
Well, it was discovered that a family of doctors have children with quirks that can allow dna to be taken and formed to make children for couples that cannot have children of their own. Of course, Todoroki and Deku did that, and have a girl and a boy.

We arrive at the apartment and I say, "hey Angel, are you hungry?"
"Yes please, can I have some ice cream please?"
"Ice cream?"
"Yes please!"
I laugh at her cute mannerisms and oblige.
"Thank you! Let's cuddle and watch a film!"
"Anything for you, my Angel..."

No one's PoV
The next day, Ochako and Katsuki went to see Todoroki and Midoriya.
"Auntie Uraraka! Uncle Bakugo!" 2 voices excitedly squeal at the sight of the two heroes.
One of the children had red hair, like Todoroki's fire half. However, his quirk was not just fire, it was similar to Deku's. Name of the quirk: Flame Fists. He is the oldest, called Enjo Todoroki, at 7 years old. The next was a girl, with half white, half green hair. Her name was Koroki Todoroki at age 5. She still is expecting her quirk.
"Honoken, Koroki! How are you!" Ochako beams happily, "you've both grown so much!"
Koroki giggles excitedly as I make her float.
"Tsk, Enjo, how's those Flame Fists going?"
"They're so cool Uncle Bakugo! Look at this!"
The little boy bunches the ground, causing a small ring of fire to be produced as well as an indent into the ground.
"Whoah little man, that's pretty cool. The ground shook a bit as well. I'm sure your dads are helping you control that, right?" Ochako giggles.
"MIDORIYAAAA!" Ochako excitedly squeals, running into his arms.
Shoto follows from behind and waves, "hi."
Katsuki nods, "hi..."
Midoriya hugs Katsuki, who reluctantly hugs back.
"Tsk, get off me nerd," Katsuki sighs.
Ochako slaps Katsuki lightly, "oh sto-"
Ochako winces at Todoroki's fear and exclaims, "damn it, my fault, sorry! Release!"
Shoto catches the little girl, who pouts.
"Daddy, I was fine!"
"No way am I letting you get involved with any serious danger unless you get your quirk."
Koroki pouts, " I might not even get my quirk..."
"Why do you say that?" Izuku asks her.
"W-well, d-daddy," she points at Izuku, "was quirkless, wasn't he? Then Grandpa All Might gave you his quirk. So I might not have one..."
"I-umm, we must've come on a bad day, shall we go-"
"Wait," Izuku says. He takes Koroki and puts her in his arms.
"Koroki, if you don't get your quirk, it doesn't matter," he looks at Shoto who was busy chasing Enjo, who was chasing Katsuki, "sure I didn't get my quirk, but I always remembered to stay humble and kind and to share my power that I had. I hope you do get your quirk and I'm sure you will. And when you do, you'll feel it in here," he pokes where her heart is, tickling her slightly.
"D-daddy, but, I want to fight villains!"
"And you can, you will...you don't have to be a pro hero to be a hero. Look at the police, they're heroes too, aren't they?"
Izuku points at a group of policemen, who had just detained someone nearby. Koroki's eyes widen with awe.
"Amazing..." suddenly, her fists begins to light up and ice particles form around them, "...daddies, why are you looking at me like tha-OH MY GOSH!"
She excitedly squeals as she punches the ground.
"ENJO! I have a similimilar quirk to you!"
"It's similar dear!" Shoto laughs as she runs up to Enjo excitedly.
"Whaaaat, I don't want the same quirk as you."
"It's not the same anyways! It seems Koroki has Ice fists and Enjo has Flame fists!"
"That's still similar dad."
"Well, there'll be a huge difference between you two. It doesn't matter, both of you will excel in your hero classes well! I'm so proud of you!" Shoto pulls them in for a hug.
"Daddy, aren't you going to say somethi-daddy?" Koroki turns to Izuku, who had tears in his eyes.
"Oh my, Izuku!" Shoto gets up and wipes the tears.
"Shoto, she got her quirk because of me-"
"Izuku, get a hold of yourself honestly...*sniff*..." Shoto and Izuku hug eachother dearly.
Katsuki and Ochako look at eachother, "is this a day in the life of the Todoroki family? How eventful..."
"Oh no, no, this is the first time since Shoto helped Enjo get his quirk!"
Giggling, Koroki shades Enjo. They fist bump eachother, causing a little explosion.
"Ah! Guys, let's be careful please!"
"Sorry!" They beam.
Katsuki clicks his tongue, "anyways, we came to see you-"
"Oh right! Let's go inside! KIDS!"
"Tsk, DEKU. I was talki-"
"...fine, let's go inside."

"So, what can the Todoroki family help you with today?" Shoto asks smugly.
Katsuki glares, "well, Ochako and I found out that-"
"We're having twins!" She excitedly squeals.
Katsuki looks at her and sees how excited she is  and laughs, "yeah...that..."
"Aww, congratulations Uraraka, Katsuki!"
"But, we're nervous because we've never had kids before and we're going from 0 kids to 2..."
Shoto and Izuku look at eachother and smirk.
"Well, if you guys want, you can take ours for a day. Like a taster?" Shoto suggests.
Katsuki growls, "why would we want tha-"
"In a quick side note~~~," Izuku hums, "Enjo admires a certain hero sat right across from me...besides my husband of course..."
Shoto slightly snorts our a laughter as Katsuki exclaims, "LET'S DO IT BABE!"
Ochako laughs and nods, "ok..."
This was just an excuse for me to write some Tododeku!

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