Meeting them

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Jasmines POV

I limped my way out of my window, going down the metal staircase. Before jumping down. I had to be quiet. Or they'll hear me and I won't hear the end of it. I mean they already beat me half to death, what else could they do? Kill me? Please do.
I limped my way down the side walk. It was cold and I had no jacket. I rubbed my shoulders for warmth. My lip hurting from my dad punching me in the mouth. My ribs hurt from my mother stomping on them. My leg hurting from my dad stepping on it. My eye hurting from having my dads fist meeting it. So yeah I have a mean shiner. Whatcha gonna do about it?

So yeah everything hurt like a bitch.

It was dark, I could hear the sound of sirens of cop cars, I could hear the tires of cars speeding down the street, I can hear people yelling. It's normal for a place like this. Gotham never sleeps. I turned and walked into a alley, I know stupid of me huh? Well I have powers so I have the upper hand. I walked into the dark alley. I could hear the sound of rats and other critters running past me. And then I heard it. The laughter, the crazy ass laughter. The laughter of the king and queen. I would know because I watch the news whenever I can and most of the time these two are on it. I cringed, the laughter of my two soulmates. I froze in fear. I could hear the sound of the laughter getting closer and closer. I moved and tried to move backwards. I have to get out of here. Before they catch me and probably kill me. But as I moved back, which was totally stupid of me and I stupidly tripped over something and fell on my ass. I hissed when I felt something scrape against my already hurt leg. Fuck! I held onto the wound, feeling something wet on my leg. I brought it up to my eyes and looked at it. Blood. Just great.

I hissed again when I touched it. Yeah this is a deep one. Must have nicked it on some glass or something.

The laughter was getting closer and I couldn't walk. Oh fuck! Why me?

"Oh puddin", I heard the beautiful angel like voice of my woman soulmate. I heard joker laugh. "I got us a bear skin rug and grape soda calling our name at home Harls", he said to her. She giggled.

They turned to walk, which was my way and I knew I was fucked. I huddled myself around my legs, despite the pain I was feeling. I could feel the fear running up and down my spine. I was so stupid to do this. You never think jasmine, you never think and this is how you die damn it! I dug my nails into my legs. Hoping they would cast me mercy.

"Oh look puddin, it's a little girl", I heard Harley say as they got close enough to see me. "Indeed it is harls", he said. I rocked back and forth. I didn't want to die. Yeah it would have been easier for my parents to kill me, but you never expect your soulmates to kill you. "She's hurt", Harley said. Why in the hell would she care if I was hurt? I looked up and backed away when I saw how close they were. "P-Please d-don't h-hurt m-me", I stuttered. I was shaking in fear and because I was cold. Harley looked up at joker before looking at me. She hesitated before placing her hand on my arm. I flinched hard. "We won't hurt you", she said. Oh yeah sure, that's what she probably says to everyone before they kill them. "You promise?", I whispered. She gave me a smile. "I promise", she said. I didn't know wether or not to believe her. But I let her help me up. I stumbled a little because of my leg and other injuries. She held onto my arms to steady me. She looked me over, to my bloody lip to my black eye. "Jesus Christ kid, looks like you went through hell and back, what's your name?", she said.

I hesitated before telling her. I mean they'll find out wether or not I tell them anyways. I looked down at the ground. "Jasmine bloom", I mumbled. I felt someone lift my chin up. "I can't hear ya when you mumble kid", she said. I sighed. "My name is Jasmine Sky Bloom", I whispered. I saw how her eyes seemed to widen. Before looking at her wrist. I had no doubt that it had my name on it. Before looking at joker. Who seemed just as surprised as her. They both then looked me at me. Fear striking me again. I backed away, till I couldn't anymore. My back hitting the alley wall. The joker stood in front of me now. His blue eyes looking into mine before he grabbed my wrists gently surprisingly. He turned them over and saw my soulmarks. They both seemed to look at them for quite awhile. Before he caressed his pale thumb over my soulmarks, making me shiver. For some reason my little side wanted to come out and I knew that was a no-no. Then his eyes went from my soulmarks to my eyes in a split second. Making me jump. He smiled at me with his gold (silver?) teeth. "Well Harley, we found our little princess, why don't we take her home with us", he said chuckling. Wait what? My eyes widened. Why the hell were they taking me with them? I tried to get away, but I couldn't, my stupid legs wouldn't let me.

And before I knew it, I was thrown over his shoulder. My Ass in the air, my legs waving around uselessly. Screw you short legs!

And then I was face to face with Harley. She gave me a smile. "Don't worry darlin, we'll take great care of ya, your our little princess we've been looking for", she said as she caressed her pale thumb over my cheek. And before I knew it, we were in a car and I was sitting on the jokers lap. His hands on my hips. Harley sat next to us. And all I could think was.

What the fuck did I get myself into?

Gotham's princess Harley and joker LS DDLG story Where stories live. Discover now