The face he puts to show his anger and irritation. I know him too well to know that.

"What's wrong about it?" He asked without giving away any of his emotions, "You are their only daughter. If they want you to handle their business after them then what is wrong in that?" I just kept looking at him. Stunned.

He is no longer the Vihaan I was so used to love. He changed over night in past few months. And before I can understand and control the change, he was long gone.

"You have changed...." I said calmly, "You supported me before. You encouraged me when I wrote the entire play in college and got prize for it..."

"Yes... That was in college. But this is real life, Zee!" He said again, "It's different. You don't always get what you want."

"Wrong..." I said stubbornly, "You will get everything you dreamt about. You just need to work hard towards achieving it." Vihaan let out a deep frustrated sigh and I knew I was getting on his nerves.

"I don't know what's wrong with you..." He said gritting his teeth.

"Right... Something is wrong with me!" I said looking away in frustration, closing my eyes for a brief moment. I looked at Vihaan again.

"Vihaan, I guess..." I said as I tried to hold back my tears, "I guess we should take a break." I finally said without looking at him.

"Zee..." I heard him say as he moved his hand to grab mine but I was quick enough to take it back.

"No... It's needed. For us to understand." I said trying hard to not break in front of him, "To know things. Because I'm not getting you anymore. I'm not feeling connected to you anymore. I just don't know you anymore." I finished blinking away the tear from falling.

"I'm just doing what is best for us. Where did I go wrong?" He asked, his voice shaking at the end. There was pain and guilt visible in them. It broke my heart but I didn't have any choice. I have to do this, I've to be selfish this time, for my dreams. All my life I've lived like a puppet in my parent's hands. I choose not to live like that... Not anymore...

"I guess in trying to please my parents, somewhere you lost me," I said with a small smile with tears in my eyes. He knew everything and yet he took their side. He knew he's the only one for me, he knew I didn't have anyone I can call my own in this big city except for him. He knew I loved him more than my existence and still, he choose them over me.  Vihaan just looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Zee..." He said looking vulnerable, "Don't do this. I love you, you know that. And I won't ever do anything that will hurt you." He said as he got up from his seat across me and sat beside me, looking right back at me.

"I have loved you too, Vihaan..." I said as a tear finally escaped from my eye, "A lot... than I could ever get to tell you." I stopped for a moment not able to speak further. Vihaan just kept looking at me with pleading eyes.

"I guess I still do and I don't think I will ever be able to love anyone else like that." I finished and wiped the tear from my cheek.

"Then why?" He asked again in a low voice.

"I told you. I need time to think. If this is what I want." I said sighing as I finally managed to look at him. Vihaan just stared at me for a few moments before shifting in his seat.

"If you think blackmailing me this way can help you to get what you want..." Vihaan said still refusing to believe what I said is true. I let out a sigh.

"It's not blackmailing. I seriously need time to think about us. Actually about everything." I said closing my eyes for a bit. Vihaan didn't speak anything for some time. He looked lost, in his own thoughts.

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