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Honestly no clue if androids can swim but yeah I'm just making it so they are water proof! Enjoy!

Gavin hadn't been swimming since he was a kid, maybe five or six years old. Do you think Gavin would ever tell anyone this, OF COURSE NOT. He was with Hank Connor and Nines on one of there days off and stood terrified in the changing room.

"Detective?" Nines asked tapping on the door,"Are you almost done? We're ready to go to the pool.

"Y-yeah you prick, just give me five fucking minutes." Gavin heard Nines step away and took a deep breath in.

"Stop being such a pussy Gavin,come on!" Gavin told himself. He slowing opened the door quickly scurrying to the pool deck. Hank and Connor were already in the pool, Connor was pushing hank around on a large inertube and Nines what waiting for him at the entrance.

"I see you've finally came to join us Gavin." Nines said smiling.

"Hello detective Reed-ow!" Hank hit him upside the head playfully.

"What did I tell you about all that formal shit?" Gavin let out a small laugh and looked into the water. Nines climbed into the pool and turned to look at Gavin. Gavin looked at the water freaking out.

"Oh shit..." Gavin mumbled to himself. He started to look back and forth and sat down at the edge sticking only his toes into the water.

"Not getting in Reed?" Hank said looking behind his shoulder his inertube spinning slightly around.

"Nah uh," Gavin paused,"I'll get in soon Anderson, just checking the temperature." Hank nodded.

"ONWARDS CON," Hank yelled pointing forward, Connor laughed and started pushing him around the pool. Gavin moved his feet around slightly and shook his head. Though it was mid July he felt freezing cold. He had a cold sweat running down his forehead.

"Gavin?" Gavin looked up frightened,"are you okay detective?" Nines asked. He inched a little closer to were Gavin was sitting. Gavin quickly retained his composure.

"Yeah prick, im fine."

"Then why aren't you getting in? Its currently 87 Fahrenheit and human usually indulge in swimming to cool there body temperature."

"Do I have to have a r-reason Nines! I just don't want to get in okay!" Gavin backed up onto the deck and Nines lifted himself out of the pool.

"Hey Gavin," Nines said," if somethings wrong you may tell me." Gavin jerked away as Nines tried to put his hand on his shoulder.

"I just-"

"I wont make fun of you Gavin." Nines said. Gavin looked down embarrassed.

"Okay,okay," Gavin said," I haven't been swimming since I was five okay! Last time I went my Mom left me alone and I-I almost drowned. I just don't trust pools Nines!" Gavin had tears forming in his eyes. Nines pulled him into a hug.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. I wont let it hurt you. I wont let my eyes off of you okay?" Gavin nodded.

"You promise?" Gavin said.

"I promise." Gavin stood up slowly stepping in tears in his eyes again. Nines held his arms out and Gavin stepped into the shallow end it reaching his waist. Gavins eyes were shut tight until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and Nines smiled at him. He looked and hank and connor and they were both smiling at him.

"Go Gavin!!!" Connor shouted taking his weight off the inertube sending Hank flying. Gavin laughed as Hank resurfaced going to chase after Connor.

Gavin isn't very scared of swimming anymore...

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