Tyler's POV

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December 13, 2009
*7 years later*

Shrugging off the layer of snow I'd collected on my journey to the school from my car, I swung the large doors open to be welcomed with a blast of heat. After 10 years of school I had decided the heat I experienced in school during the winter was produced from the flames of hell rather than the heater. Because that's what school was. Hell. A murderous, torturous hell that thrived off my suffering. Lord knows the only way I've survived this long is because of my two best friends Connor and Troye. Without them I'd probably still be in the closet and failing every one of my classes. But I did have them which meant I was popular, openly gay, and passing each of my classes all while having a thriving social life and respected reputation around school. That didn't mean it wasn't difficult though.
Readjusting the strap on my shoulder, I continued lugging my 80 pound text books down the hallway to my first class of the morning. Jumping slightly as the bell rang and echoed throughout the halls, I entered my first class quickly, praying not to be given a tardy slip. It was happiest season of all, of course he wouldn't. But then again Mr. Grester had never been one for the holidays. Or sympathy. I shoved my nose in my book, still hoping my absence had gone unnoticed when a pink slip landed on my desk

"Detention after school today Oakley. Tardiness is-"

"Disrespect, yeah yeah, I know," I cut him off, having heard the bloody phrase more times than I could remember. I may have known his stupid saying by heart but that didn't mean I was going to go down without a fight.

"Mr. Grester," I began, "don't you think you could find a little remorse somewhere in that dark pit you call your soul, to just for once let my tardiness slip, seeing as this is the holiday season where you're supposed to be merry and cherry and forgiving to students who fail to hear their alarms in the mornings? I'm sure it could give you some bonus points for Santa. Hey, maybe it'll even help you get on the nice list this year!" I exclaimed, desperately trying to get him to take the slip back. The boys and I were going Christmas shopping today, and I would hate for them to go without me.

Mr. Grester hovered over my desk, and I swear his eyes were staring straight through my soul. His minty breath washed over my face as he spoke in a hushed voice.

"Listen here Oakley, not even if I cured cancer and restored world peace would I ever make the nice list due to the things I have done to students like you who sass and question my authority in my own class room, now you have two days detention and if you so much as breathe I will extend it to 2 weeks after break, do you understand?"

At this point I had sunk so low in my chair my chin was resting on my chest, as I gulped.
"Yes sir," I replied.
He eased up off my desk, making his way back to the front of the room and out of my personal space. Understandably shaken, I retrieved my book and resorted to sticking my nose in it once again, keeping my crimson cheeks out of view from the class.

The seconds seemed to tick by unusually slow, with the help of Mr. Gresters harsh glares I'm sure. When the bell finally did sound signaling for lunch, I literally scrambled out of there, shoving my books and papers sloppily into my bag before all but racing out the door.

Entering the cafeteria I was met with an overwhelming wave of noise. Snippets of conversations, squeaking sneakers and scraping forks all joining together to give me a massive headache, I made my way to my usual table, setting my bag in the ground. Seeing as I was the first one there, I awkwardly pulled out my lunch and began nibbling at my sandwich quietly. Reaching for another bite I squealed when a pair of arms snuck around my waist from behind. Giggling as I realized who it was, I turned to face the blue eyed boy who's chin now rested on my shoulder.

"Hi there," I said, taken aback by our close proximity. I was fairly used to this sort of behavior from him by now though. Troye and I's friendship didn't seem all too platonic at times, making me wonder if he really did have feelings for me. This time last year if he would have put his arms around me I would have felt a burst of butterflies shoot through my stomach. Unfortunately I had to come to terms that Troye was, in fact, straight and he was just very cuddly and affectionate towards me. Also I couldn't exactly fall for my best friend, I mean we all know how those end. So over time Connor helped the butterflies go away everytime Troye glanced in my direction, and now I'm at a point where I can say I am not deeply, madly in love with my gorgeous best friend who lights up the world with a simple smile. I mean, I'm sure I'll get to that point someday. Honestly though who falls for their straight best friend?

It was at this time I realized Troye still hadn't responded and was only staring back into my eyes as I thought all these things about him. I decided to make a game of this staring contest, a challenging glint in my eye as I stared back. He only smirked, a slight scoff leaving his lips before we both jumped at the sound of Connor clearing his throat behind us.

"Sorry, am I interrupting some intimate troyler time?" He asked teasingly, using the nickname he gave us years ago.

Troyes arms fell away from my sides and I missed the body heat he provided as he stood upright and sat at his seat between me and Connor.

"Stop trying to make troyler happen Connor, it's not going to happen," Zoe said as she sat her tray next to him. "As much as we'd all like it to," she giggled to herself and Connor, thinking we couldn't hear her.

"Heard that," I sassed back at Zoe. "And you're right, troylers not going to happen, is it babe?" I questioned, turning my focus in Troyes direction.

"Right babe," he replied, confirming what I already knew he was going to say.

"You literally call each babe! Honestly, what kind of friends call each other babe?" Zoe asked, arching her eyebrows in suspicion.

"Good friends?" Troyes statement coming out more question like as he shrugged in my direction.

"Right. Really close friends. Now can we please talk about a real couple?" I asked, pleadingly.

"Yes!!" Zoe exclaimed, way more keen on the subject change than I thought she would be.

"Okay Connor what are you getting me for Christmas?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at her boyfriend of almost a year now.

"Hmm nice try," Connor said, "but I'm still not telling." He finished with a knowing smile as she began to pout.

"No fair! Troye? Do you know what Connor's getting me for Christmas?" Zoe asked turning her attention to Troye .
I giggled as I watched him fake a lock and key motion on his lips, catching the imaginary key as he tossed it my direction.

"Alright Tyler you're my last hope," Zoe began, " now please with cherries on top tell me?"

"Say a word and I'll end you," Connor threatened.

"Look Zoe, I would love to tell you but the truth is we haven't even gotten it yet. We were supposed to go shopping today-"

"Woah what do you mean supposed to?" Troye interrupted.

"Well I may have over slept and gotten detention with Mr. Grester after school today..." I trailed off feeling guilty about ruining our plans.

"Wow Tyler," Connor said, "you had one job! It's fine though, we can just go tomorrow."

"About tomorrow..."

"Please tell me you didn't sass Mr. Grester,"

"Of course he did Connor, this is the queen of sass were talking to," Troye declared, "it's fine, it's just today and tomorrow and then well just go shopping on Wednesday. Right Tilly?"

Troyes childhood nickname for me made my heart skip a beat and the pink tint on my cheeks didn't help at all with concealing the feeling it gave me.

"Wednesday for sure," I replied, as we made our way back to class.

Blah blah it sucks, I know, I'm getting there. Just wait, I promise it will get better this is all just foreshadowing.
Love Annabelle

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