Guh Tuck that Little Butt

Start from the beginning

I tried it on and kinda liked the way it looked. Except for my tummy I hated how the dress clung to that area. I stepped out the dressing room to get Justice's opinion but didn't see him right away. 

"Girl shut up, she do look like Barney" I heard the girls from my school whispering and laughing when they say me come out. Justice came just in time to see me run in dressing room crying. I know he tried to run after me because I could hear a store clerk telling him he couldn't go back here. 


"Teddy can we please just go out this one night. Come on Honesty is coming up next week and I want us to have some us time before she comes" I wined trying to get him to change his mind. 

Lately Teddy been working all during the day and consistently going to little gatherings or going out for drinks with his coworkers. Now I know his job demands for him all the time but damn we was the last time we spent time together. Every other day it's something and I'm sick of it. On top of that finding jobs out here have been extremely hard and it feels like no one wants to hire me. 

The only plus to this whole situation is me losing six pounds from working out non stop. Taye is the only I am around besides Ted. She keeps asking me to go out with her but I always decline. It just don't feel right going out without my husband especially in the Miami streets. But right now I may just have to take her up on that offer because Teddy keeps ignoring me. 

"Beauty I keep telling you right now I can't really decline going out with my coworkers. I need to get in good with them if I want to secure my spot at this job. You see this house, the car we driving, how we living? None of this stuff is cheap and I want to spoil you and Honesty. So just bare with me for a while and I promise we will start going out more" Teddy said putting on his Ferragoma loafers. 

Although I was mad I had to step back and look at my baby. He still looked the same as when we were kids just a little taller with more facial hair. The black and dark red suit he was wearing looked good on him and he looked just like money. His body was more toned and this new look he been wearing only brings out the sexy side of him. I think my mouth was starting to water looking at him. 

"Plus I know you been missing daddy dick" he said smacking my ass. That smack knocked me right out of my thoughts but only want him more. Fuck it I'll just ask Taye if she still want to go out. 

Thirty minutes later I was jumping out the shower and rushing to get dressed. Taye told me she would come get me in a hour and I barely could find anything to wear. "Where you going?" Teddy asked stepping in the walk in closet scaring the shit out of me. 

"Out. Why are you still here?" I asked grabbing a few dresses I bought from Bebe. "I left but then I remembered I didn't have my wallet and came back. But I'm glad I did cause I want to know where my wife sneaking off too"

I ignored him and continued to lotion my body. Teddy watched me hungrily as I bent over to make sure my legs were completely lotioned. I decided to put on this white jump suit since Taye said the place we were going to was classy.

"Bae where you going though" Teddy asked as I slipped in the bathroom to finish getting dresed. Twenty minutes later Taye was pulling up to the house and Ted was still here trying to figure out where I was going. 

"You know you gone be late for this work meeting or whatever thing you suppose to be at" I said applying some more Mac Candy Yum lipstick. "Man I dont even care about that, I just want to know where my girl going looking this damn good and what nigga I'ma have to beat ass" he said grabbing his gun. 

I started laughing looking at Ted hold his gun like a wanna be thug. "First off Im going to need you to put that away before you hurt somebody or yourself and second I'm going out with that girl Taye I told you about. We just going to this one club called the Mynt Lounge" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

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