Chapter 1: Followed

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You are casually walking home after school. You always take the same route, a straight path through a park. It's no one there when you walk to the school and no one's there when you go back. Perfect for a loner such as yourself, isn't it? Well, today your life will change. To the better or the worse, that is up to you to decide.

You are halfway through your path home when you suddenly feel the uneasy feeling of being watched. It isn't that dark but you had to use your phone's flashlight to see in the shadows. Of course, you see that nobody is there. The feeling still lingers as you continue walking, it is like an itch on your neck. It is like someone is constantly breathing right behind you. When you are almost home, you turn around one last time, in hopes to see (or not see) if someone follows you. The road behind you is empty but you know something isn't right. You hurry to get inside your apartment building.

You feel relaxed now, the unsettling feeling that followed you back then is now gone. You decide to cook dinner before finishing your homework. It is 7 o'clock when you put your assignments aside to get a drink. You walk to the kitchen and pour yourself some water. The kitchen window is faced down to the street so when you look outside you can see who enters the building and who is leaving. The same way you always get inside the building.

You get startled when you suddenly hear someone ringing the bell, only visitors without a keycard had to ring that bell and it was usually your friends who will ring. You haven't received any messages from your friends that indicate they would visit you and you curiously look outside the kitchen window. You almost choke on the sip you took a second earlier. From where you stand, you can only make out a tall male figure in a marine blue attire and a very pale face standing outside the apartment building's door.

"Is that who I think it is?" you say out loud. You are confused and scared, it's possible you could be imagining things after studying so intensively before. You rub your eyes and look outside again. The person is still standing there and it rang the bell again. Then it slowly looks up to you. You stare into its black holes for eyes and only now can you make out that the face is, in fact, a mask. You can't blink nor break the intense staring. You freeze on the spot you are currently standing on. Your hand tightens its grip on the glass of water. You blink a minute later, you couldn't keep staring. When your eyes finally adjust itself, the man is gone. The night is falling and makes it harder for you to see anybody out there at all. You are sure it was Michael Myers standing down there, or at least someone who tries to look like him. If it was the second guess, that person is doing it very well and you hope they will leave you alone.

You feel tired after all the tension and decide to go to bed early. The clock is showing7:35 PM as you walk past it to get to your bedroom. You close the curtains and change clothes before going to bed. You quickly fall asleep.

A loud sudden noise, as if someone is trying to jump quietly, wakes you up. Your alarm clock is showing at 2:15 AM. You tiredly rub your eyes but your awareness grows stronger each second. All kind of thoughts crosses your mind.

"It's a burglar." "It's Michael Myers breaking into my apartment." "It's a murderer." "It's a ghost." "It's probably nothing."

When another thud is heard, this time much closer, you decide to find a weapon and you remember you have pepper spray in your wardrobe. You carefully leave your bed, silently open your closet door and get your spray out in complete darkness, this means you have the upper hand since you know your apartment very well. You crouch down and open the door as quietly as you can and peek through the tiny gap. At first, you see nothing out of the ordinary. Then a shadow walks past you. It missed your bedroom door. Holding your pepper spray steady and ready, you crouch out of the bedroom and see the tall shadow standing still in your Livingroom. It must have its back to you or they would have seen you already. You decide to go to the kitchen, where you charge your phone at night. Always having your eyes on the shadow, you make your way to the kitchen and grab your phone. Upon unlocking it, the phone gives away a loud clicking noise

"Crap! I forgot to mute the fucking phone again!" You panickily look up only to see that the shadow is right in front of you, barely visible from the light on your phone's screen. You can hear muffled breathing, it is a deep heavy sound, something a living and awake person wouldn't be able to make. You gulp. You are sweating and your lips are shaking. The pepper spray is already forgotten and it would probably not help much anyway. No matter how much you adore MichaelMyers, this is a terrifying situation and the fear of losing your life is a strong natural instinct that makes you either run, fight or freeze. For you, it freezes you in place. But you can still talk.

"M-Michael?" you whisper, in the hope of distracting him. Maybe it is him, maybe not, but whoever that person is, it made its way inside your apartment and moved quickly and silently.

"W-Why are...You after... me?" you continue. Your voice is barely auditable and it is breaking a lot. You can see the shadow move closer. The mask becomes visible and you can see the man holding a big kitchen knife very close to you. It tilted its head a little. The expressionless mask makes you very uncomfortable and the thought alone of a serial killer in front of you isn't making it any better.

"P-Please, tell me... why?" you say after a few seconds and the man inches closer. He only becomes bigger and scarier. You can now confirm his eye color. It is the color of caramel and he looks at you very intently. The aura around him is unsettling for you and it is like a constant twist in your stomach. He suddenly moves his hand and you close your eyes in reflex. You brace yourself for pain but nothing came. Instead, you feel a warm finger stroking your cheek. Then it stops and you hold your eyes shut for a few more seconds before opening them. You can't make out anything in the dark now and decide to rise to your feet. Your hands are shaking badly when you turn on the kitchen light. You continue to turn on the lights while searching every corner of your apartment. When you are sure no one is still inside you lock your door and windows and walk back to the kitchen. You find a note on the counter and pick it up.

Meet me in the park when darkness surrounds you.

You stare at the piece of paper and wonder how things changed so quickly.

"Meet me in the park... Does he want me to come there in the middle of the night?!" you say to yourself and leave the note on the counter.

"*sigh* I guess I have to go there tonight, it's not like I have many choices." You whisper before going back to bed. You can't sleep the rest of the night, you keep wondering if it all is just a bad dream. Those eyes looks so evil and cold yet... something human is hidden underneath. You dread for the moment you have to be in the park.

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