Chapter 2 ~ Your p.o.v

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HE looks so perfect standing there

All throughout math you could feel someone staring at you and didn't doubt for a second that it was those dicks at the back of the class. As the lesson finished the two strangers started to approach you and you immediately started to panick.

"er uhm well hey I'm Ashton Irwin. Uh...You know who I am right?"

You looked up at the boy who had spoken to see that he was pretty damn hot, well in your opinion anyway. He had light brown curly hair, hazel/green eyes and as he looked down at you, you saw his perfect smile. Please don't say I have to look at your perfect face daily for like the next 2 years.

"Oh uhm yeah! Hi I'm y/n. Well I guess we better get to know each other then." You gave him a small smile which he returned.

"yeah well this is-" he gestured to the boy behind him who seemed to be flirting, unsuccessfuly, with some girl.

"Oh hi, as Ash was saying I'm Michael, Mikey for short, and you're cute wanna go out sometime?" Said the other boy with a devilish grin.

You laughed, for the first time since you moved here. "uhh sorry to wreck your dreams Mikey, but I've got a boyfriend. I uhm I like your hair though!" You replied as you looked up at his bright red, obviously dyed, hair.

"Aww thanks but that doesn't mean we can't, you know, do the do."

As he said this you felt your cheeks flush red and you leaned over to whisper in Ashtons ear "Your friends are slightly weird, I think I'll fit in fine." Still blushing you went back to packing your bag.

After discovering you had almost the same timetable as Ashton you stuck with him for the rest of the day and at lunch you got to meet the rest of his 'squad' as Michael kept calling them.

"Well hey guys. This is the girl who I'm moving in with, y/n. Y/n this is calum hood, the un-asian Asian," he pointed to a boy who gave Ash a death stare and then smiled at you.

"This is Luke Hemmings, the human skyscraper," you recognised Luke as the guy you asked for directions before. "and of course this is Michael Clifford but you already know that." He gestured at Mikey who gave you a bow.

"Uhm hi Luke and Calum.  yeah I'm y/n." You replied as you gave a small wave.

"Yeah Hi. Not to seem rude, I mean all this is lovely but can we please go and eat now." Calum groaned.

Luke chuckled "uhm yeah sorry buddy!"

The boys started discussing whether to go to the cafeteria or some weird takeaway place as you stood awkwardly to the side examining your nails.

Suddenly Ash turned around and announced "We have decided that on your first day we will take you to the cafeteria!" Michael and Ash linked arms with you while Calum and Luke walked ahead arguing about whether to get a hotdog or a cheeseburger.
Oh god, I don't think I can cope, being surrounded by four tall, hot boys every day. Thank you thank you thank you, whoever made this happen!


As you examined your small lunch of fries, some weird looking chicken, that Calum had assured you was good, and an energy bar, you noticed a table of girls who kept turning around and giving you weird looks. You tried to ignore them by eating but they were really starting to bug you. After you worked up enough courage, you started for the girls table only to find Ashton guiding you back to your table. "Hey don't let them bug you. If you do then they'll pick you into tiny little pieces, just lie low on your first day, Okay?" Ashton asked.

Confused you nodded slowly and sat back down. Once all the boys had got their food you spoke up "So uhm who are those girls anyway?"

The boys exchanged a few looks before Luke explained "Well people call them the Fitch bitches. It's a group of girls who's lives revolve around boys, fashion and dirty rumours. They're led by the twins Lucy and Kimmy Fitch, hence the nickname, and they'll do anything the Fitch's tell them to."

"hmm yeah don't know any of them personally but I've heard bad things so I suggest you stay away unless you wanna get your but dissected!" Chuckled Michael.

"right Kay, thanks! Guess I'll just stick with you guys if that's ok?" You asked with a smile.

"Yeah we're all fine with that. Welcome to the squad y/n." Calum replied.

Sorry these chapters are so short but I kinda prefer it that way! Btw Italics = your thoughts (except for the song quotes). Thanks so much for reading!!

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