Part 12 - the first day at work

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Zhao Yunlan spent another week, getting used to being around people and the smells. Even dogs would do in a pinch - stop that train of thought! If he went back to work, he would have to talk to others, so he obviously could not hold his breath the whole time. He had to learn to breathe, and not think of other living things as a snack or dessert.

Having been away from people for such a long time, even Shen Wei had some struggles himself. He also had to become re-acclimated to the smells of so many humans around him. So while he had initially thought he would be policing Zhao Yunlan, it was actually the detective who would sometimes gently lay a hand on Shen Wei's arm, once even holding him from behind, although he knew it was just an excuse for Zhao Yunlan to hold him, since there were no humans in sight.

Finally they decided they were both ready to reenter society.

"It's not that I don't trust you, but -" Shen Wei began.

"You want to walk me to work," Zhao Yunlan finished his sentence. "Actually, I'd feel better if you did, and maybe you could also spend a little time with me inside the office, explaining to the others about my 'illness' that requires me to stay out of the sun."

"I'm glad you don't mind," Shen Wei said with a sigh of relief. He had prepared a long list of WHY reasons he should stay with Zhao Yunlan a little on his first day. "To be honest, it will give ME a chance to get used to being with humans in an enclosed area, too."

"I noticed you had a couple of struggles with your willpower as well," Zhao Yunlan felt a little relieved when he recalled having to hold Shen Wei's wrist to distract him when a human with a cut finger walked by them once.

"I did, and I am quite surprised and pleased that you have adjusted to this much quicker than I had," Shen Wei smiled. "We will watch out for each other," he finished as they walked out the door and onto the streets.

The sun was beginning to set, and there were many people outside, returning home from work, getting groceries for the night's dinner, meeting others. But unlike the lunar new year day when the atmosphere was festive, the mood was quieter, even somber, and everyone wore masks covering their noses and mouths. It was because of a new and very serious respiratory illness, the coronavirus that broke out in the city of Wuhan, HubeiProvince. It quickly spread and hundreds were soon sickened by the disease. Because it was still so new, there was no cure, and casualties quickly mounted. Travel in and out of the city and China in general was restricted. What should have been a happy time of reunion with family was now marred by fear from this deadly disease. Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan also donned masks so that they would not stand out in the crowd; they would not sicken as vampires, but they had heard of people being fined or even arrested for refusing to wear masks.

Both vampires took a deep breath of fresh air before entering Zhao Yunlan's office

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Both vampires took a deep breath of fresh air before entering Zhao Yunlan's office. The masks, unfortunately, did not effectively block the smell of humans from their keen sense of smell. Zhao Yunlan hesitated as he opened the door and saw the other detectives, who also looked up and walked over to him.

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