Promising Ceremony

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"Kyllion!" His mother sighed exasperatedly. "Your suits on crooked!"

"Momma, why does it matter?" The little boy whined.

"Because," she laughed. "This is your one and only Promising Ceremony. Besides, Araylia is gonna look pretty nice. You'd better believe that!"

Kyllion allowed his mother to fix the suit, and his hair, but when she wasnt looking, he ruffled the carefully styled hair, trying to match it to his personality and taste. 


"Mother!" cried Araylia, trying to swat her hands away.

"Dearest," the Queen sighed, irritation seeping in. "You know what your father said. The midnight blue gown and hair up."

"But Mother, it hurts so!" 

Her mother said nothing, continuing to pull her daughters hair up. Araylia tried to sit still, but she kept jerking. 


Kyllion stood next to the Vow Bearer, waiting to catch sight of Araylia. His eyes wandered around her home. It was luxuriously decorated, and the seats that held the guests and royal witnesses were ornate, the borders covered in gold. 

A violin began to play, and Kyllions attention snapped to the corner of the room. There stood his best friend, his world. 

' Oh my-!'

Araylia stood in a floor length gown, a deep rich blue, her light silver hair half up, curled, and woven with laurel and mint leaves, the tradition in Ochilan. 

She walked closer to him, and he saw that her golden eyes were on fire this time. Usually dull and lifeless, her pupils danced, her irises changing color. Kyllion fell deep for her then.

During the Promising Vows, they never looked away from each other. After vows were over, they ran out to the garden. 

"I cant believe that just happened!" Araylia giggled breathlessly.

"Me either," Kyllion laughed. "But-"

"Here we are!" She finished.

They talked and laughed, flirting and kissing shamelessly. Now that they could, they spent most of their time just kissing. Kyllion loved the taste of her lips on his. 

Right before she had to go inside for bed, she hugged him real tight. 

"I'm glad that you are mine. I was worried who Mother and Father would choose."

"My Ma and Pa were talking about it, I wasnt worried!"

"Araylia! Araylia, its bedtime," One of her nurse maids hollered.

"Coming!" she called back. "Goodbye Kyllion! I'll see you tomorrow!"

And she ran off. Sweet, innocent, carefree. 

But all of that would come to an end in a mere 12 hours.

And their life would be thrown in a spiral.

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