Chapter 4

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Aliyah and i escorted Nathan to the back of the police car. He was using all of his strength to escape the grasp of aliyah, but she was just too strong. We threw him into the back of the car and dived into the front. I started the car and began to drive. "so, i've never seen you before. Who are you?" Nathan said. i looked into the rear view mirror into Nathan's eyes. "Number 1, none of your business. And 2, you must have gotten into a lot of trouble to memorise every single police officer in the service." he gazed at me for about 10 seconds then he opened his mouth once again "well let's just say I get around a lot". I was thinking to myself how a person like him, a gorgeous, sexy, broad man could have such a bad reputation. "You sound like a male prostitute."Aliyah blurted out. I couldn't hold it in. I just laughed and laughed and laughed. Nathan gave me a daring look almost as if he wanted to kill me right there. but I mean it wasn't his fault. We did just call him a male prostitute. "Well if you must know my name is Lucy. Lucy Haldane. trainee police officer". "God woman I didn't ask for your bloody life story." Nathan angrily barked."Nathan why don't you shut the fuck up you're a regular criminal. We locked you up let's say a year ago and you've already been charged with attempted theft. you've probably been charged with even more." Aliyah said. I just didn't say anything I know that it will just cause trouble even more. but Nathan just kept staring at me, our eyes locked, we couldn't take them off each other. Then I snapped out of it. I know I shouldn't be doing this, I'm taking a risk that could potentially fuck up my career, and most importantly fuck up my dream. I can't be doing this, I just have to focus on getting the job done before I do something that I regret. I just hope the ride back to the Police station wouldn't be a long one.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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