What Krystal didn't know was that they knew what they wanted. A few minutes later, they walk into the study to tell Krystal what they want. Krystal looks up to them as she sets her book that she was reading down.

Krystal: Have you decided?

Prince: You might get mad though...

Bigi: We wanted to move back into the Neverland Ranch.

Krystal: No. I've talked to you before about this...

Paris: B-but...

Krystal: NO! Excuse me.

Krystal walks out the house and straight into her car while the kids head to their rooms. Krystal couldn't do it. It was too much. She needed to talk to someone. She stops at a house and enters it. A woman walks into the room to find Krystal there.

Katherine: Krystal?

Krystal: Mama Kat... *Cries*

Katherine: Oh sweetheart... *hugs Krystal* What's wrong?

Krystal: I-i... *sigh* The kids want to go back to the Neverland Ranch. I don't know if I can survive there anymore without him being there... Please don't be mad at me for this...

Katherine: How can we be mad at you? I know what you went through. He saved you and cared for you for practically your whole life and you loved him. I know how hard it would be for you. But you need to face this. You can't keep hiding from it. Do you think he would be happy to see you like this?

Krystal: N-no...

Katherine: You are a strong woman and everyone knows it. It may be hard but you have to face it. Remember, he may not be here in person but he's here in spirit and in your heart. Never forget that he always cared about you. You can do this.

Krystal: You're right. Thank you mama kat. I better get home. I've made a decision.

Krystal heads back to the house to find the kids in Bigi's room. Krystal felt heartbroken that they were upset and didn't want to disturb them but she needed to set things right.

Krystal: *knocks the door* Kids, I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now but I need to set things straight. First off, I wanna say I'm sorry. You know how hurt I was. Number two, I've decided that we shall return to the Neverland Ranch. Its time we did.

The kids couldn't believe what was happening. They were planning on apologizing but Krystal beat them to it. They gave her a hug before calling it a night. The next week however, they were already moving. The first thing that Krystal and the kids did was re-explore the place. Krystal walked into Michael's old room, the room that she was going to stay in. She sat on the bed, looking at a picture of her and Michael. Without knowing, tears ran down her face as she was being watched by the one she missed. Michael had stood there watching everything unfold. Man, he wanted to hug her yet he couldn't do it. Krystal knew that she could feel a presence but brushed it away. The next month was filled with redecorating the whole ranch to still keep its aesthetic but to get rid of the bad memories that had tainted the ranch. The place looked brand new. The kids and Krystal gathered in the kitchen to have a quick lunch. That's when Prince decided to say something that he noticed while being there.

Prince: Is it just me or is something off with the ranch?

Krystal: What do you mean Prince?

Prince: I've been feeling like we're not alone here. Like someone else is here too.

Paris: You're not the only one. Both Bigi and I have had those moments.

Krystal: Same actually.

Out of nowhere, they hear something move in a different room. Bigi went to check but nothing seemed to have moved. They decided to move on from that and now here we are. 

Its been 5 years since he passed. Its been 5 years since Krystal had to take care of his children. Its been 5 years of hardship for Krystal. But she doesn't regret any of it. The Jackson family thinks of her as their own, the kids think of her as a mom. When Michael passed, Krystal felt that a part of her died. Why? Because she loved him. She wished she told him how she felt. But she didn't think Michael would have put her in his will. But she was wrong. She was shocked by how much he trusted her until he leaves his kids with her, and his ranch as well. He even left a note telling how thankful he was to have had such a friend like her. Because of this, she didn't want to betray her best friend's trust and she made Neverland ranch into how it was but better. And she raised the kids as her own. But what she didn't see coming was the two kids who Michael had helped when they were younger and ill would sue Michael even after his passing. Krystal knew Michael would not want her to get herself into that but she felt that it was time to end it once and for all so Michael could rest in peace. But she didn't know that they would also sue her. She could help save Michael's name but may lose on her battle. She ended up having to be in two court cases one today for Michael and her's the next day. Thankfully she won Michael's court case but her's was not on her side from the beginning.

Many Michaels... (A Michael Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now